- 1. She was being paid what I considered a derisory amount of money.
- 她被支付着我认为是微不足道的一笔钱。
- 2. Yet in Europe use of natural-gas vehicles is derisory.
- 然而,在欧洲使用天然气燃料的汽车少的可笑。
- 3. They considered this derisory: previously, delinquent countries had typically paid 50-60 cents.
- 他们认为近期很多同样拖欠债务的国家的行为很好笑,他们竟然已经支付了面值的50%到60%。
- 4. Few non-Japanese investors own yen cash or bonds, and central bank holdings are similarly derisory.
- 很少有外国投资者持有日元现金或债券,各国央行的持有量也同样少得可怜。
- 5. Robert's mother Jackie said the money would help with his care, though she described the amount as' derisory '.
- 罗伯特的母亲杰姬说,这笔钱将帮助他的照顾,虽然她形容数额'可笑'。
- 6. And upfront compensation to local farmers for use of their land is derisory: often just a few months of income for agreeing to a 100-year lease.
- 另外对于当地农民进行土地使用权的前期补偿非常廉价:通常只有几个月的收入就可以换取100年的租期。
- 7. Many senior academics opposed the move, citing "derisory graduation rates, crushing levels of debts and degrees of dubious value" from some for-profit American companies.
- 许多高级学者反对这个行为, 认为这是由一些以营利为主的美国公司带来的“低得可笑的毕业率,高得离谱的债务和一文不值的学位”。
- 8. Therefore I think it is sufficiently affirmed that for Plato himself, in so far as it he is who speaks here under the name of Apollodoros, the discourse of Pausanias is indeed something derisory.
- 因此,我认为它足够被肯定,对于柏拉图本人。是他以阿珀洛得罗斯的名义说话,保撒尼亚斯的论述,确实是某件可笑的事。
- 9. Therefore I think it is sufficiently affirmed that for Plato himself, in so far as it he is who speaks here under the name of Apollodoros, the discourse of Pausanias is indeed something derisory.
- 因此,我认为它足够被肯定,对于柏拉图本人。是他以阿珀洛得罗斯的名义说话,保撒尼亚斯的论述,确实是某件可笑的事。