- 1. Tabloid newspapers pander to the lowest common denominator.
- 小报都竭力迎合大众口味。
- 2. I think the only common denominator of success is hard work.
- 我认为成功的唯一共同之处就是努力工作。
- 3. The school syllabus seems aimed at the lowest common denominator.
- 学校的教学大纲似乎是针对接受能力最差的学生制定的。
- 4. Although the plan received unanimous approval, this does not mean that it represents the lowest common denominator.
- 尽管该计划获得一致赞同,但这并不说明它为迎合大众而做了刻意简化。
- 5. There are variations on this model of course, but the common denominator is always the idea of creating a shopping space that will get people to shop in the city without needing their cars.
- 当然,这种模式也有不同的版本,但它们的共同之处是:计划创造一个购物空间,让人们在不需要汽车代步的情况下在城市里购物。
- 6. Based on the relationship between the group delay function and the cepstral coefficients, the denominator polynomial coefficients can be determined.
- 根据群延迟函数与倒谱系数之间的关系,可以确定分母的多项式系数。
- 7. This is a least-common denominator approach, which is at best slightly less than optimal, but more often, it is far from optimal.
- 这是一种最小公分母方法(least - common denominator),因为它在最好的情况下也不够理想,通常情况下,它远远不能达到最佳效果。
- 8. In this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction by entering numerator and denominator. Do not forget to reduce the result!
- 在此练习中您要将一个给定的数字转换成一个分数,输入转化结果的分子和分母。不要忘了将结果约分至最简分数!
- 9. In this exercise you have to convert a given number into a fraction by entering a numerator and denominator. Do not forget to reduce the result.
- 在此练习中您要将一个给定的数字转换成一个分数,输入转化结果的分子和分母。不要忘了将结果约分至最简分数。
- 10. When working with XML data, you need to parse the data to get to the least common denominator-the desired data (or atomic node value, as it is often called).
- 在处理XML数据时,需要对这些数据进行分析以获得最小公分母,即您想要的数据(经常被称之为原子节点值)。
- 11. Because the ODBC wrapper is necessarily generic, its server attribute Settings are very conservative and reflect lowest-common-denominator functionality.
- 由于ODBC包装器必须是通用的,因此它的服务器属性的设置非常保守,只反映所有数据源都可以有的最小能力。
- 12. Knoppix can also be viewed as a "least common denominator" : its purpose is to get the computer running with as little delay or human assistance as possible.
- 也可以将Knoppix看成是“最小公分母”:它的目的是为了让计算机在尽可能少的延迟或人员辅助的情况下运行。
- 13. We all buy things, services, etc. for different reasons-but the common denominator in all transactions is the belief that after it's done, things will be better.
- 我们都买产品和服务等,由于不同的原因—但是所有交易的一个共性就是我们相信,当交易完成时,情况会变好。
- 14. When working with rational numbers, it helps to perform a bit of numerical legerdemain: namely that of finding a common denominator to make certain operations easier.
- 在处理有理数时,采取一点数值技巧将会有所帮助:也就是说,找到公分母,使某些操作变得更容易。
- 15. You need to delete all the high screen resolutions here, as we're looking for the lowest common denominator (we'd suggest removing any resolution larger than 1024x768).
- 你需要删除此处所有的高分辨率,因为我们在寻找最小公分母(我们建议删除任何高于1024x768的分辨率)。
- 16. If we were to measure the ambassador's productivity in terms of output per hour, the denominator of that equation would simply consist of all the hours he or she worked.
- 如果我们以每小时产出来衡量大使的生产能力,计算公式的分母就应该是他或她的工作总小时数。
- 17. Someone said, Fame is like buddles. However, I know that the truth is a common denominator for all people. And Cloud understands that I feel and what I want to say.
- 有人说,人气就像泡沬。但,我知道真相就是这对每一个人都是一样。而云儿们了解我的感受,明白我想讲的话。
- 18. If you REALLY want to see "0.333333333333333333333333333333" output, you could create a custom "Fraction" class which stores the numerator and denominator separately.
- 如果你真的想看到“0 333333333333333333333333333333”输出,您可以创建一个自定义的“分数”类的分子和分母分别存储。
- 19. This variation means that the processor busy rate now has a random denominator and a random numerator, which renders this value fairly useless in a production virtual world.
- 这种变化意味着现在处理器繁忙时间所占百分比的分子和分母都是随机的,因此这个值在生产虚拟环境中没有用处。
- 20. I will not go into details but I totally disagree. Although there is one common denominator (the fast development rate), India's case is totally different from China's.
- 我不会提供细节但我完全不同意看法。虽然他们有一个共同的特性(快速的增长率),但印度的情况是中国完全不同的。
- 21. The parameter estimate of the original SISO model is obtained by first estimating the numerator of the new SIMO model transfer function and then the common denominator.
- 然后通过对新的SIMO模型先估计分子参数、后估计分母参数的方法,即可获得原SISO模型的参数估计。
- 22. 'While lower LTVs means lower mortgage payments, the improvement in affordability is deceptive, says JPM, as long as' the denominator remains median income of households.
- 摩根大通说,虽然首付比例越高意味着每月按揭还款额越少,但只要分母仍为家庭收入中值,住房负担能力的改善就具有一定的欺骗性。
- 23. Anygui is nice because it lets unmodified applications run on widely different platforms (but it therefore supports the "lowest common denominator" of the supported toolkits).
- Anygui很好用,因为它允许应用程序未经更改就可以运行在差异很大的平台上(但因此它支持受支持工具箱的“最低级公共特性”)。
- 24. I have to say the single most important lesson I learned in 25 years is there's a common denominator in our experience... We want to be validated. We want to be understood.
- Harvard University我不得不说,我在25年里学到的最重要的一课就是,我们的经验中有相同之处……我们希望被认可,我们渴望被理解。
- 25. However, if an RMB fund co-invests with an offshore fund, the offshore fund would still need to obtain regulatory approvals, effectively making it the "lowest common denominator."
- 然而,如果人民币基金的投资人有离岸基金的话,那么离岸基金仍然需要得到批准,以更有效的寻求“最小公分母”。
- 26. In some trials, whole people are randomized, but multiple parts of the body receive the same treatment and the number of body parts is used as the denominator in the analysis.
- 在一些试验中,整个人是随机的,但是身体不同部位受同种治疗,这些部位的数目在分析中被用作分母。
- 27. CLS compliance is a new twist on that least common denominator approach to interoperability. The CLS specification is a subset of operations that every language must support.
- CLS兼容性与互操作性之间至少要有共同特性,CLS规范是一个每个语言都必须支持的操作的集合。
- 28. The traditional method for amplitude-phase frequency characteristic calculation is first to solve the numerator polynomials and denominator polynomials of a transfer function.
- 频域计算的传统方法是先求出传递函数的分子多项式和分母多项式。
- 29. Usingthecomplex Cepstrum coefficients, theall-pass denominator coefficientsare obtained based on the relation betweenthecomplex Cepstrum and the stable minimum-phase sequence.
- 该方法是基于复倒谱和平稳最小相位序列之间的关系提出的。
- 30. Usingthecomplex Cepstrum coefficients, theall-pass denominator coefficientsare obtained based on the relation betweenthecomplex Cepstrum and the stable minimum-phase sequence.
- 该方法是基于复倒谱和平稳最小相位序列之间的关系提出的。