- 1. They might get a big demerit.
- 他们可能会被记大过。
- 2. Give a demerit basically satisfactory.
- 记过基本上令人满意。
- 3. What do you think about your merit and demerit?
- 你认为你有哪些优点、缺点?
- 4. Punishments: Warning, demerit recording and dismissing
- 处罚分为:警告、记过、辞退三种
- 5. Meanwhile, they will help us to get rid of our demerit.
- 同时,他们将帮助我们摆脱我们的扣分。
- 6. The demerit points awarded take immediate effect on the date of offence.
- 缺点的分数采取立即生效的犯罪行为。
- 7. What do you think about your merit and demerit? Can you give some example?
- 你认为你有哪些优点、缺点?能不能各举一些案例说明呢?
- 8. For removing TC demerit, one of our primary tasks is to increase growth rate of TC.
- 针对藏鸡的主要缺点,改良藏鸡的任务的一个主要方面就是提高藏鸡的生长速度。
- 9. If this matter was known by the teachers in school, I would possibly get a demerit.
- 这件事万一被学校老师知道了,说不定会被记过!
- 10. In this paper, the author also gives merit and demerit of each kind of these algorithms.
- 本文对这些压缩算法进行比较,给出了每种算法的优缺点。
- 11. On the analysis and city planning administration of color, and find the merit and demerit.
- 重点分析了国内外的城市色彩规划管理方式,并找出其优缺点。
- 12. The amendment has imposed tougher punishment on those who take the demerit points of others.
- 该修正案对那些替代记分的人施加了更严厉的惩罚。
- 13. This arithmetic overcome the demerit of single rule, and is better to simulate the studying function of the brain.
- 该算法克服单准则的局限性,更好地模拟人脑的自适应学习功能,可以实现更有效的学习和识别。
- 14. Our biggest demerit is that we did not close the first half ahead. Juve's second goal is because we were not careful.
- 我们最大的失误就是上半场表现好却没能在中场之前带来领先,尤文图斯的第二个进球来自我们的失误。
- 15. However, the demerit is that it can take an awfully long time to reach a consensus the larger the number of people involved.
- 但是,缺点是为达成共识,需要花相当长的时间,其中还会牵涉到相当多的人。
- 16. In order to overcome the demerit of the slowness of the series convergence, we put forward the series summation formula.
- 为了克服级数收敛缓慢的缺点,提出级数求和公式。
- 17. A probationary driver can only accumulate up to 12 demerit points within 12 months otherwise the licence will be revoked.
- 一个试用解放油罐车司机只能积累多达12个缺点分在12个月内否则执照将被吊销。
- 18. Page after page reveals a writer or a novel unread, and therefore a demerit on the great report card of one's cultural life.
- 一页接着一页揭示出一个作者或者一本没有读过的小说,因此某人的文化生活的伟大的报告卡上就有了污点。
- 19. Results of instance comparison test verify the effectiveness of the method and conquer the most demerit of ID3 decision tree.
- 通过实例比较验证了该方法的有效性,克服了常规ID3算法的不足。
- 20. Under the amendment, motorists who reverse or drive the wrong way or make a U-turn on highways will also receive the harsher 12 demerit points.
- 按照新规定的扣分办法,在高速公路上倒车、逆行、(穿越中央分隔带)调头的司机也将面临更严厉的处罚——直接扣掉12分。
- 21. There are six kinds of disciplinary sanction: warning, serious warning, recording of demerit, academic probation, academic dismissal, and expulsion.
- 纪律处分分下列六种:警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看、勒令退学、开除学籍。
- 22. The more demerit you feel, the clearer is the display of the abounding love of God in having chosen you, and called you, and made you an heir of bliss.
- 你越谦卑,上帝丰盛的爱越清楚向你显明,这位上帝拣选了你、呼召你、使你成为祂恩典的继承者。
- 23. The main points of the system is summarized as below - a driver can accumulate up to 24 demerit points within 24 months before he is suspended from driving.
- 该系统的主要观点进行了总结如下——一个驱动可以积累24缺点多点在24个月之前,他吊销。
- 24. I think the primary demerit of the internet today is that it offers so much that it becomes irresistible and has an overpowering effect on our day-to-day life.
- 我认为,互联网最大的缺点是它提供东西实在太多以致对我们的日常生活产不可抗拒的影响。
- 25. This approach overcame the demerit of the theory mentioned above, therefore the precision of interior and exterior orientation parameters calibration became better.
- 这种方法克服了原有理论的缺陷,使标定出的相机内外方位参数更加精确、稳定。
- 26. This article discusses the influence to the phases of software development which test-driven development causes and the merit and demerit of test-driven development.
- 探讨了测试驱动开发方法对于软件开发的各个阶段的影响,并探讨了测试驱动开发方法的优点及其存在的问题。
- 27. This article discusses the influence to the phases of software development which test-driven development causes and the merit and demerit of test-driven development.
- 探讨了测试驱动开发方法对于软件开发的各个阶段的影响,并探讨了测试驱动开发方法的优点及其存在的问题。