- 1. We deliver the goods in batches.
- 我们分批交付货物。
- 2. The question is, can he deliver?
- 问题是他能履行吗?
- 3. We promise to deliver within 48 hours.
- 我们承诺在48小时内送到。
- 4. We'll deliver the goods as soon as we can.
- 我们将尽快交货。
- 5. Next Monday is the soonest we can deliver.
- 我们交货最早要到下星期一。
- 6. We guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.
- 我们保证一周内交货。
- 7. The president will deliver a speech about schools.
- 校长将发表关于学校的演讲。
- 8. They deliver to within a 5-mile radius of the store.
- 他们在距离商场5英里的范围内送货上门。
- 9. The Canadians plan to deliver more food to southern Somalia.
- 加拿大人计划向索马里南部运送更多的食物。
- 10. My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private.
- 主人命令我不能传送信息,除非在私下里。
- 11. We promise to deliver to your door within 48 hours of you ordering.
- 我们承诺在接到订单后48小时内送货上门。
- 12. They have yet to show that they can really deliver working technologies.
- 他们仍需证明他们确实能够实现可用的技术。
- 13. He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver.
- 他答应在六月底完成这项工作,我相信他会履行诺言。
- 14. The president declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.
- 那位总统由于嗓子疼拒绝亲自发表演讲。
- 15. The United Nations will approve his request for authorization to use military force to deliver aid.
- 联合国将同意他的请求,批准他动用军队来运送救援物资。
- 16. How long does it take to deliver?
- 送货要多长时间?
- 17. It can deliver coffee to sleepy people.
- 它可以为瞌睡的人送咖啡。
- 18. Can you tell me how long it takes to deliver?
- 你能告诉我送货需要多长时间吗?
- 19. Why don't you quit and deliver flowers for me?
- 你为什么不离开然后替我送花呢?
- 20. Why don't you quit and deliver flowers with me?
- 你为什么不辞职然后和我一起送花呢?
- 21. I would need to deliver it at a time when you're in.
- 我要在你在家的时候把它送过去。
- 22. We propose to deliver 50% in June and the balance in Aug.
- 我们计划六月份交货50%,其余的在八月份交货。
- 23. We're obligated to deliver to that point on a daily basis.
- 我们必须每天送货到那个地方。
- 24. Your blood cells must deliver nutrients to all the other cells.
- 你的血液细胞必须将营养传递给所有的其他细胞。
- 25. The volunteers deliver food or other supplies for the elderly in town.
- 志愿者们为城里的老人寄送食物或其他用品。
- 26. Some, like homing pigeons, can be trained to deliver messages and packages.
- 其中一些,比如信鸽,可以训练来传递信息和包裹。
- 27. You can contract with us to deliver your cargo.
- 你们可以和我们签订合同,由我们负责运输你们的货物。
- 28. Cardinal Murphy will deliver the sermon on Sunday.
- 墨菲红衣主教将在周日布道。
- 29. She is due to deliver a lecture on genetic engineering.
- 根据安排她要作一个关于转基因的演讲。
- 30. If you can't deliver improved sales figures, you're fired.
- 如果你不能按照要求提高销售额,就会被解雇。