- 1. He raised his arm to try to deflect the blow.
- 他举起手臂试图挡开这一击。
- 2. She sought to deflect criticism by blaming her family.
- 她责怪她的家人,想这样来转移对她的批评。
- 3. Cage changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism.
- 凯奇改了名字以转移裙带关系的指责。
- 4. The war did not deflect him from the path he had long ago taken.
- 战争没有使他改变很久之前就选择的道路。
- 5. All attempts to deflect attention from his private life have failed.
- 本想转移人们对他私生活的注意,但一切努力都失败了。
- 6. Deflect or evade the sensitive ones.
- 转移或者回避敏感话题。
- 7. She tried to deflect me from my purpose but with no success.
- 她企图转移我的目标,但没得逞。
- 8. We also use copyright to partially deflect the danger of software patents.
- 我们也用版权来部分转移了软件专利权所带来的危险。
- 9. A main goal is to deflect attention from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
- 主要目标之一就是要将人们注意力从巴以冲突上引开。
- 10. This shows you were able to deflect their bad attitude and are hungry for more.
- 这样说表明对于他们恶劣的态度,你是有能力处理的,并且你追求的不止这些。
- 11. Those who would deflect it from its path must not, and surely will not, succeed.
- 无论是谁企图使美国偏离它的道路都不能,也绝不会得逞。
- 12. For example, a long list might deflect undue attention or absorb frivolous requests.
- 例如,一个冗长的列表可能会反映不适当的注意或者引起过多的请求。
- 13. The blade was so sharp, he didn't feel it deflect off the kid's neck, but he saw the blood.
- 刀刃那么锋利,他感到那把刀偏离了那孩子的脖子,但他看到血。
- 14. The ramp sits at an acute Angle to deflect the intake airstream from the longitudinal direction.
- 这个斜面锐角使进气口的气流纵向流变。
- 15. The ramp sits at an acute Angle to deflect the intake air stream from the longitudinal direction.
- 这个斜面锐角使进气口的气流纵向流变。
- 16. Installing a dryer heat saver into the exhaust pipe will deflect heat from the dryer back into your home.
- 在排气管内安装一个干燥热量保护器可以让热量从干燥机里面转到室内。
- 17. Nasa is considering using lasers to deflect space junk around Earth and stop it colliding with satellites.
- 美国宇航局NASA目前正在打算利用激光给环绕在地球周围的太空垃圾来一次大扫除,目的是为了防止他们与卫星发生碰撞。
- 18. As Liu Xiang, China's star hurdler, gets ready to compete again, organizers are keen to deflect any pressure on him to win.
- 中国跨栏运动明星刘翔做好了复出参赛的准备,赛事组织者希望他不要有任何获胜的压力。
- 19. The only thing that could deflect her from work, she once wrote, was "being in love", whereupon everything else flew out the window.
- 唯一可以让她从工作中脱离出来的,她曾经写道,就是“恋爱”,因此,生命中难免会会失去其它一些东西。
- 20. He guided the company in outsourcing everything possible to ensure that it was handled well but did not deflect the company's attention.
- 他指引公司将可能的一切外包出去,公司的一切处理得很好,而公司的注意力没有被转移。
- 21. It can also redouble its lobbying and other influence activities in an effort to neutralize or deflect threats of extra-legal regulation.
- 它也可以倍增在游说和其他影响活动方面的投入,以中和或转移法外监管带来的威胁。
- 22. When an interviewer asks your salary requirement, try first to gently deflect the question by inquiring about the salary for the position.
- 如果以为雇主问你待遇要求,首先试试打个擦边球,问问这个职位的薪水是多少。
- 23. When an interviewer asks your salary requirement, try first to gently deflect the question by inquiring about the salary for the position.
- 当一位面试官开始问你薪资要求的时候,首先试试反问他们该职位的薪资来转移这个话题。
- 24. And that force tends to cause it, if you have a moving charged particle, to deflect its trajectory and start rotating in a magnetic field.
- 这个力会产生这样的作用,有一个运动中的带电微粒,磁力会使其轨道偏转,并在磁场中做旋转。
- 25. And that force tends to cause it, if you have a moving charged particle, to deflect its trajectory and start rotating in a magnetic field.
- 这个力会产生这样的作用,有一个运动中的带电微粒,磁力会使其轨道偏转,并在磁场中做旋转。