- 1. The decor is tasteful and restrained.
- 该装饰有品位且不花哨。
- 2. Choose curtains that blend in with your decor.
- 挑选和装饰格调一致的窗帘。
- 3. The choice of decor was inspired by a trip to India.
- 选用这种装饰格调是从一次印度之行中得到的启发。
- 4. The decor is simple – black lacquer panels on white walls.
- 这种装修风格简约–白色的墙上装饰着漆成黑色的板。
- 5. Some decor elements.
- 一些装饰的细节。
- 6. It was owned by the cooperative named Decor.
- 它的所有者是叫做Decor的合作团体。
- 7. Look and decor.
- 外观和装饰。
- 8. Avoids distraction or subconscious confusion in house decor style.
- 在房屋装修中避免其他干扰或潜意识的混乱。
- 9. Helps infuse color to a house decor to attempt to increase design beauty.
- 尝试着增加设计美感有助于为房屋装修注入色彩。
- 10. When used in the home decor white gives a clean, fresh look and really opens up a room.
- 当在家里装饰白色,会给人一种洁白,新鲜的感觉,能真正的释放出空间。
- 11. Only in the late 1990s did specialist supermarkets and electronics and home-decor chains emerge.
- 直到20世纪90年代末,才陆续出现了专门超市、电子商务以及家装连锁店。
- 12. Their facilities are dirt-smeared cube farms without a dime spent on decor or common meeting areas
- 办公区域就是一片脏兮兮的格子间,一个子儿也没花在装修和公共会议区上
- 13. The decor is simple and aims to not detract too much from the majesty and ethos of the rooms themselves.
- 这个简约的装饰旨在不削弱房屋本身的高贵气质与威严。
- 14. Find yourself something that matches the rest of your decor and avoid a loud ticking clock at all costs!
- 给自己找一个和其他装饰品相配的挂钟,但是无论如何也不要找一个滴答声响亮的。
- 15. Color may add visual appeal to a home decor just as colored flowers can add beauty to a field on a prairie.
- 颜色可以为家庭装饰增加视觉吸引力,就像色彩鲜艳的花朵可以装扮大草原一样。
- 16. The decor barely brightens even when you enter the offices of “The Cool Japan Promotion Strategy Programme”.
- 即使走进“酷日本推广战略项目”办公室,室内装饰也让人打不起精神。
- 17. If you're suffering from insomnia, put yourself to sleep by adding plenty of blue to your bedroom decor.
- 如果你正在遭受失眠的困扰,那么可以在你休息的卧室里面放些蓝色的饰物。
- 18. That was the extent of our living room decor – we had nothing on the walls, or the other surfaces in the room.
- 这个小架子,就是我老家起居室的全部装饰了。 除此之外,墙上和任何东西上都是干干净净的。
- 19. The loggia features a 48 "plasma screen t."v. and beautiful decor overlooking the cactus garden and fireplace.
- 长廊有48英寸离子屏幕电视,美丽的装饰,俯瞰仙人掌花园和壁炉。
- 20. In Berlin, Germany, the Propeller Island City Lodge is a go-to place for travellers who enjoy whimsical decor.
- 德国柏林的螺旋桨岛城市别墅的房间装饰非常异想天开,是游客们趋之若鹜的地方。
- 21. The restaurant decor will mimic that of the flagship shop in Taipei, mixing fashion with Chinese elements.
- 餐厅格调会和台北旗舰店几本一致,混合中国风元素。
- 22. Color harmony is a pleasing combinations of colors and the amount of these colors in a design like a room decor.
- 在设计中,色彩协调是指颜色的搭配和颜色的数量能够令人愉悦,比如一个房间的装饰。
- 23. The 60-room newly-revamped hotel has decor teaming Murano glass chandeliers with artworks and sensuous materials.
- 这个刚刚翻新的酒店带有60个房间,装饰有组合了艺术品和美感材质的穆拉诺玻璃支型吊灯。
- 24. Indeed, electronic wallpaper might be a future application, allowing the decor of a room to be changed at will.
- 事实上,电子墙纸将成为未来的应用,可以根据自己的意愿来装置房间。
- 25. From his cellphone he bought a Blue Nile ring for his wife and a eucalyptus wreath from Gump's, the home decor shop.
- 通过它的手机,他为他的妻子购买了一枚蓝色尼罗河的戒指,还在一家叫做阿甘的家庭装饰店里买了一个桉树花圈。
- 26. As this hidden door is a custom creation from CBR, we'd recommend ordering yours to match your own home theater decor.
- 这个隐蔽门是CBR定制的创造品,我们推荐你进行订购,搭配自己家庭影院的装饰。
- 27. Unfortunately, some brides are hesitant about incorporating too much color into their wedding day style and decor.
- 不幸的是,有些新娘在婚礼当天不敢尝试色彩斑斓的风格和样式。
- 28. A cool collection of decorative stickers from Diz decor, a Brazilian design group that makes stickers to beautify walls.
- 名为Diz Decor的巴西设计团队,设计了一系列装饰贴纸,以美化家庭室内的墙壁。
- 29. Proximity in home decor is the placing of similar objects closer together physically, and unlike objects (decor) further apart.
- 在家居装饰中,接近是指把类似的对象放在一起,不同的对象(装饰)分开放置。
- 30. The store mimicked the Apple decor, right down to the bright blue T-shirts and white tags Apple employees are required to wear.
- 这座位于昆明市的商店模仿苹果零售店的内部装潢,甚至是正规苹果店员的蓝T恤和要求佩戴的白色名片也一律照搬。