- 1. The industry has slid into decline.
- 这个行业已成衰退之势。
- 2. Support for the party continues to decline.
- 对该党的支持继续下降。
- 3. They failed to arrest the company's decline.
- 他们未能阻止公司的衰落。
- 4. My initial reaction was to decline the offer.
- 我最初的反应是要婉言谢绝这个提议。
- 5. Inflation is rampant and industry in decline.
- 通货膨胀肆虐,工业生产下降。
- 6. The figures represent a general decline in employment.
- 这些数字表明就业率的总体下降。
- 7. We need to take corrective action to halt this country's decline.
- 我们得采取纠偏行动来阻止这个国家的衰落。
- 8. After years of neglect and decline, the city was cleaning itself up.
- 在多年的荒废和衰退之后,该城市在进行自我整治。
- 9. Government penny-pinching is blamed for the decline in food standards.
- 政府吝啬被指责是食品标准下降的原因。
- 10. I think we can date the decline of Western Civilization quite precisely.
- 我认为我们可以非常准确的推断出西方文明衰落的年代。
- 11. The closure of the mine was the single most important factor in the town's decline.
- 矿山的关闭是这个镇衰落的唯一最重要的因素。
- 12. Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed to fall into decline.
- 图书馆是对未来的一种投资,不应该让图书馆衰落。
- 13. Critics say that the new system may be more economic but will lead to a decline in programme quality.
- 批评家们说该新系统也许更有利可图,却会导致项目质量的下降。
- 14. At the current rate of decline, many of the rain forest animals could become extinct in less than 10 years.
- 按照目前的下降速度,许多雨林动物不到十年就会绝种。
- 15. Down that path lies economic decline.
- 沿着这条路走下去的结果就是经济衰退。
- 16. But around 2012 these measures started to decline.
- 但在2012年左右,这些指标开始下降。
- 17. It has experienced an overall decline in air quality.
- 空气质量整体下降了。
- 18. Even well-paid workers sensed their decline in status.
- 即使是高薪工人也感到自己的地位在下降。
- 19. The species showed no significant decline in fecundity.
- 该物种的繁殖力没有明显下降。
- 20. The customs figures show a steady decline in British trade.
- 关税数字表明英国的贸易在稳步下降。
- 21. The decline in American Indian languages has historical roots.
- 美国印第安语言的衰落有其历史根源。
- 22. That's one explanation for the decline in traditional craftsmanship.
- 这是传统工艺衰落的一种解释。
- 23. To decline to vote is a cop-out.
- 不投票是一种逃避。
- 24. The industry is in terminal decline.
- 这个行业每况愈下,一蹶不振。
- 25. Fish stocks in the Baltic are in decline.
- 波罗的海的鱼类资源逐渐减少。
- 26. The company reported a small decline in its profits.
- 公司报告其利润略有减少。
- 27. Thankfully the smoking of cigarettes is on the decline.
- 感谢的是吸烟正在减少。
- 28. Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s.
- 英国工业自20世纪70年代以来一直在走下坡路。
- 29. The government has failed to reverse the economic decline.
- 政府未能扭转经济滑坡的趋势。
- 30. The decline in marriage has been offset by a rise in cohabitation.
- 同居人数的增加跟结婚人数的减少相抵消。