- 1. Falling debris rained on us from above.
- 碎片从上面像雨点儿一样落在我们身上。
- 2. Survivors clung to pieces of floating debris.
- 生还者紧紧抱住一块块漂浮在水面上的残骸。
- 3. A number of people were killed by flying debris.
- 一些人遭飞溅的碎片致死。
- 4. The roof collapsed, showering us with dust and debris.
- 屋顶塌了下来,灰尘、碎片纷纷落在我们身上。
- 5. Forensic experts carried out a painstaking search of the debris.
- 法医专家们对残骸进行了极其仔细的研究。
- 6. The thick walls prevented penetration by debris from the hurricane.
- 一堵堵厚墙阻挡了飓风带来的碎片的穿透。
- 7. Emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.
- 各抢救小组仍在清理失事飞机的残骸。
- 8. Police in the city have been cleaning up the debris left by a day of violent confrontation.
- 城里的警察一直在收拾一天的暴力冲突留下的残骸。
- 9. Only a small amount of the debris will reach the ground.
- 只有一小部分残骸会到达地面。
- 10. There was silence, broken only by the thud of falling debris.
- 四周一片寂静,除了残骸的落地声。
- 11. An even smaller type of interplanetary debris is the meteoroid.
- 有一种更小的星际碎片,是流星体。
- 12. Another slight concern is submerged debris floating into the blades.
- 另一个让人稍有担心的问题是水下杂物会钻进涡轮机叶片中。
- 13. They're basically made up of debris left over from the origin of the solar system.
- 它们基本上是由太阳系起源时遗留下来的碎片组成的。
- 14. Impacts on porous bodies generate less debris, so more energy goes into producing heat.
- 撞击多孔体产生的碎片较少,因此产生热量的能量更多。
- 15. Heat could be retained as debris fall back into impact craters, creating an insulating blanket.
- 当碎片落回撞击坑时,热量可以被保留下来,形成隔热层。
- 16. The dusky salamander lives only in slow-moving streams where organic debris settles and accumulates.
- 灰蝾螈只生活在缓慢流动的溪流中,有机碎片在此沉淀堆积。
- 17. These animals shred the prey that fall into the pitcher, and the smaller organisms feed on the debris.
- 这些动物撕碎掉到水罐里的猎物,而小一些的生物则以残骸为食。
- 18. The government is more focused on preventing new debris from forming than taking the trash out of orbit.
- 政府更关注的是防止新的碎片形成,而不是把垃圾带离轨道。
- 19. The 1980 volcanic eruption of Mount Saint Helens, for example, sent mud and debris into several tributaries of the Columbia River.
- 例如,1980年圣海伦斯火山爆发,导致哥伦比亚河的几条支流产生泥石流现象。
- 20. What is a space vehicle launching entity required to do according to the current Government Orbital Debris Mitigation Standard Practices?
- 根据现行的政府轨道碎片缓减标准做法,航天器发射实体需要做什么?
- 21. The force of collision spewed large amounts of debris into the atmosphere, darkening the skies for several years before the finer particles settled.
- 碰撞的力量将大量碎片喷射到大气中,在更细的粒子落下之前,天空会变暗几年。
- 22. Space Policy Directive-3 lays out general guidelines for the United States to mitigate the effects of space debris and track and manage traffic in space.
- 《空间政策指令3》为美国制定了一般性指南,以减轻空间碎片的影响以及跟踪和管理太空交通。
- 23. In 2009 an old Russian craft slammed into a communications satellite, creating a cloud of hundreds of pieces of debris and putting other hardware at risk.
- 2009年,一艘旧的俄罗斯飞船撞上了一颗通讯卫星,形成了由数百片碎片组成的云团,危及其他硬件设备。
- 24. Glaciers may form in permanently cold areas, and these slowly moving masses of ice cut out valleys, carrying with them huge quantities of eroded rock debris.
- 冰川可能形成于长期寒冷的地区,而这些缓慢移动的冰块切割了山谷,带走了大量被侵蚀的岩石碎片。
- 25. Television footage showed rescuers trying to free people buried underneath fallen debris, while others scrabbled through wires, construction rods and boulders.
- 电视镜头显示,救援人员试图救出被埋在废墟下的人,而其他人则在电线、建筑杆和巨石中摸索。
- 26. Other ancient civilisations certainly knew about kites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes.
- 其他古代文明当然也了解风筝的用途;早在公元前1250年,中国人就用它们传递信息,向敌人投掷燃烧的碎片。
- 27. Debris thrown into the atmosphere by an asteroid collision would presumably contain large amounts of iridium, and atmospheric currents would carry this material all over the globe.
- 小行星碰撞后的碎片可能会含有大量的铱,而大气洋流会把这些物质带到全球各地。
- 28. As emergency services picked through the burnt debris, a row was resurfacing over accusations that the beloved cathedral, immortalised in Victor Hugo's novel, was already, crumbling before the fire.
- 当紧急救援人员在燃烧的废墟中仔细搜寻时,一场争论又再次甚嚣尘上,人们指责这座在维克多·雨果的小说中受人爱戴的不朽大教堂,在火灾发生前就已经摇摇欲坠。
- 29. The debris slowly decomposes into compost.
- 这堆碎屑慢慢地分解变成了堆肥。
- 30. The sea throws up all sorts of debris on the beach.
- 大海把各种残骸碎片都冲上海滩。