- 1. How many faces does a cube have?
- 立方体有几个面?
- 2. A cube is a solid figure.
- 立方体是一种立体图形。
- 3. A cube has six sides.
- 立方体有六面。
- 4. The cube has one square and four triangles.
- 这个立方体有一个正方形和四个三角形。
- 5. You can simply buy a Cube Sat kit off the shelf.
- 你可以从货架上直接买到一套立方体卫星设备。
- 6. The "Cube" here simply refers to the satellite's shape.
- 这里的“立方体”只是指卫星的形状。
- 7. Act Two is similar except that the yellow cube is smaller.
- 第二幕是相似的,只是黄色的立方体要小一些。
- 8. Baby boys do not react at all to the difference and the size of the cube.
- 男婴对立方体的大小和差异完全没有反应。
- 9. This is where a culture of social responsibility around Cube Sats becomes important.
- 这就是围绕着CubeSats 技术的社会责任文化变得很重要的原因。
- 10. I knew that my concern is not that passenger, but that has not yet recovered Rubik's Cube.
- 我知道我关心的并不是那个旅客,而是那个还未复原的魔方。
- 11. In Act One of the show, a yellow cube is lifted from a blue box, and moved across the stage.
- 在表演的第一幕中,一个黄色的立方体从一个蓝色的盒子里被拿出来,并在舞台上移动。
- 12. Above each machinist's workstation, there was a wooden cube with a different colour painted on each face.
- 在每个机械师的工作站上方,都有一个木制的立方体,每个面都涂着不同的颜色。
- 13. Since then, NASA, the National Reconnaissance Office and even Boeing have all launched and operated Cube Sats.
- 从那以后,NASA、美国国家侦察局甚至波音公司都发射并运行过立方体卫星。
- 14. NASA plans for most of its future Earth-escaping payloads (to the moon and Mars especially) to carry Cube Sats.
- NASA计划以其未来大部分逃离地球的载荷(特别是前往月球和火星的)来运载立方体卫星。
- 15. As an organization of volunteers, AMSAT was putting "amateur" satellites in orbit decades before the current Cube Sat craze.
- 作为一个志愿者组织,业余卫星组织将“业余”卫星送入轨道的时间比现在的立方体卫星热潮早了几十年。
- 16. The most common CubeSat is a 10cm cube, so small that a single CubeSat could easily be mistaken for a paperweight on your desk.
- 最常见的CubeSat是一个边长10厘米的立方体,小到容易被误认为是你桌上的一个镇纸。
- 17. Whether the public bus ride, or riding, are often inadvertently seen some people holding a Rubik's Cube in turn, or couples, or single.
- 无论是坐公巴,还是坐车,都常常不经意地看见一些人拿着魔方在转,或情侣,或单身。
- 18. Because they're so small and light, it costs much less to get a Cube Sat into Earth's orbit than a traditional communications or GPS satellite.
- 由于立方体卫星如此小而轻,与传统通讯或GPS卫星相比,将它送入地球轨道的成本要低得多。
- 19. For instance, a research group here at Arizona State University recently claimed their developmental small Cube Sats could cost as little as $3,000 to put in orbit.
- 例如,亚利桑那州立大学的一个研究小组最近声称,他们开发的小型立方体卫星进入轨道的成本可能只有3000美元。
- 20. As the report authors point out, even near-misses might lead to the "creation of a burdensome regulatory framework and affect the future disposition of science Cube Sats".
- 正如报告的作者所指出的,即使是差之毫末也可能导致“产生一个繁重的监管框架,并影响科学立方体卫星的未来部署”。
- 21. Cube Sat researchers suggest that now's the time to ponder unexpected and unintended possible consequences of more people than ever having access to their own small slice of space.
- CubeSat 公司的研究人员表示,现在是时候考虑一下越来越多的人进入自己的狭小空间而可能产生的意想不到的后果了。
- 22. The first Cube Sat was created in the early 2000s, as a way of enabling Stanford graduate students to design, build, test and operate a spacecraft with similar capabilities to the USSR's Sputnik.
- 第一个立方卫星是在2000年代初创建的,目的是使斯坦福大学的研究生能够设计、建造、测试和操作具有与苏联人造卫星类似功能的航天器。
- 23. She sucked an ice cube into her mouth, and crunched it loudly.
- 她把一冰块儿含在嘴里,并嘎吱嘎吱地大声嚼起来。
- 24. He handed me a cube of sugar.
- 他递给我一块方糖。
- 25. We want to visit the Water Cube, where many important events are held.
- 我们想参观水立方,那里举办了许多重要活动。
- 26. I call it the ice cube.
- 我叫它冰块。
- 27. Years ago, you marched into this cube dreaming of being a big shot.
- 几年前,你走进这个格子间,梦想着成为一个大人物。
- 28. With the help of an ice cube, gently rub the ice on her back and as the ice melts off her.
- 需要用一小块儿冰,轻轻地用冰块摩擦她的后背,让它在她身上慢慢融化。
- 29. Rubik's cube was invented in 1974 and its popularity exploded when it was exported from Hungary in 1980.
- 魔方发明于1974年,1980年从匈牙利出口后,其受欢迎程度激增。
- 30. A closed system would be, for instance, a glass of ice water with an ice cube in it, with the lid on top.
- 一个封闭系统可以是,比如说,一杯放了一个冰块的冰水,顶上加了盖子。