- 1. She's always cringing to the boss.
- 她在上司面前总是卑躬屈膝。
- 2. He pants cringing I love the danger.
- 我喜欢冒这样的危险。
- 3. Some people look forward to its opening, but I am not alone in cringing.
- 有些人热切盼望着它的开业,而有些人对此有保留意见,我就是其中之一。
- 4. And two, if your house is never a mess that you aren't cringing and hate me now.
- 第二件事,如果你的屋子从来不乱,你也不要奉承我或恨我。
- 5. A lane of dead bones, of crooked, cringing figures buried in shrouds. Spines made of sardine bones.
- 这是死人尸骨铺砌的胡同,下面埋着衣衫褴楼、歪七扭八、互相搂抱在一起的死人,还有沙丁鱼骨制成的脊骨。
- 6. Suddenly ugg boots Yan facial expression changed, he slowly stops cringing ugg short says:'You come up!
- 忽颜脸色变了,他慢慢停止哆嗦,说:‘你上来!
- 7. However, he may be reserved toward strangers but not to the point of showing fear or cringing in the ring.
- 无论如何,他可能对陌生人有保留,但决不会显得害怕或畏缩。
- 8. The 15-year-old version of your self is likely cringing at the thought, but your parents have taught you much.
- 自己15岁的时候思想是比较不成熟的,但是你父母却教会你很多。
- 9. And his method was not surrender, though it might look as though he had put his hands up, or made a cringing kowtow to the Chinese.
- 而且,他的办法也不是屈服,尽管当他举起双手,或者向中国人屈膝叩头时,看上去很像。
- 10. He used to attack women in especial, never suspecting that it was to be his fate a few months later to be cringing before his wife.
- 他尤其喜欢攻击女人,他决没有想到几个月以后命运会叫他拜倒在他妻子的脚下。
- 11. You may be cringing at the thought of standing under the cold spray, but it's actually quite a pleasurable experience—especially once you've dried off.
- 你可能一想到站在冷水喷头下的感觉就会很痛苦,但是这其实是一个很愉悦的过程,特别是你抹干身上的水的时候。
- 12. But when Japan failed to bring China cringing to her knees as she vaunted, the world took solace in this phenomenon by declaring that they had overestimated Japan's military might.
- 但日本并不能如其所夸,迫使中国屈膝;于是举世人士,对此现象,深感慰藉,并谓当初对于日本武力,估计过高。
- 13. Chances are you've stopped mentally processing these to-dos as tasks in the world and now just let your eyes fly past them so as to minimize the guilt, pain, and cringing that they cause you.
- 处理这些任务的机会已经过去了,现在将这些任务忽略掉,减轻它们带给你的负罪感、痛苦和畏缩。
- 14. Chances are you've stopped mentally processing these to-dos as tasks in the world and now just let your eyes fly past them so as to minimize the guilt, pain, and cringing that they cause you.
- 处理这些任务的机会已经过去了,现在将这些任务忽略掉,减轻它们带给你的负罪感、痛苦和畏缩。