- 1. If it turns cold, cover the plants.
- 如果天气变冷,就把植物盖起来。
- 2. I've just spotted a mistake on the front cover.
- 我刚才在封面上发现了一处错误。
- 3. The book aims to cover all aspects of city life.
- 这本书旨在涵盖城市生活的各个方面。
- 4. The total forest cover of the earth is decreasing.
- 地球上森林覆盖的总面积正在减少。
- 5. The glass cover for this is jointed in the middle.
- 这个东西的玻璃盖是用活动接头从中间接起来的。
- 6. It took three applications of paint to cover the graffiti.
- 刷了三道油漆才盖住了涂鸦。
- 7. Senior government figures must have acquiesced in the cover-up.
- 政府高级官员必然已经默许掩盖真相。
- 8. Cover me while I move forward.
- 掩护我前进。
- 9. $100 should cover your expenses.
- 100元该足够支付你的费用了。
- 10. They move under cover of darkness.
- 他们在黑夜的掩护下行进。
- 11. She laughed to cover her nervousness.
- 她笑了,想以此来掩饰自己紧张的心情。
- 12. She draped a cover over the old sofa.
- 她把套子罩在旧沙发上。
- 13. Quilting a bed cover can be laborious.
- 缝制一个床罩会很费力的。
- 14. A sharp overhang of rock gave them cover.
- 岩石上方一处尖尖的突起给他们提供了掩护。
- 15. He wears a cap to cover a spot of baldness.
- 他戴一顶帽子来遮住一小块秃顶。
- 16. Does this policy cover my husband to drive?
- 这份保险单是否保我丈夫的驾车险?
- 17. The first issue has a cover-mounted CD-ROM.
- 该刊第一期有一张附赠的光碟。
- 18. Charles lit the fuses and they ran for cover.
- 查尔斯点燃了导火索,大家跑向掩蔽处。
- 19. She denied (that) there had been any cover-up.
- 她否认有任何隐瞒。
- 20. These forests cover a broad span of latitudes.
- 这些森林绵延在多个纬度上。
- 21. Her yell sent nearby grouse running for cover.
- 她的喊声让附近的松鸡奔跑着四处躲藏。
- 22. The pillow cover can match up with the sheets.
- 这个枕巾可以和这些被单相配。
- 23. They managed to escape under cover of darkness.
- 他们设法在夜色掩护下逃跑了。
- 24. The payments he gets barely cover his expenses.
- 他几乎是入不敷出。
- 25. Everyone ran for cover when it started to rain.
- 雨下起来时,大家都跑着找地方避雨。
- 26. Several officers were complicit in the cover-up.
- 几名军官串通一气隐瞒真相。
- 27. Our representatives cover a very large territory.
- 我们的代理人负责的地区很广。
- 28. The climbers took cover from the storm in a cave.
- 登山运动员在山洞里躲避暴风雨。
- 29. Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees.
- 你的父母得支付你的学费。
- 30. The searchers spread out to cover the area faster.
- 搜索人员分散开来,好更快地搜索这一地区。