- 1. Try to come up with a principled, compelling counterargument.
- 尝试去形成一个有原则的,令人信服的反驳观点。
- 2. Will you reject the counterargument and explain why it is mistaken?
- 你能够驳斥相反的论点并说明为什么它是错误的吗?
- 3. This paper is presented as a counterargument against the views of Professor Zhang Jinghao on translatology.
- 本文试图就张经浩先生有关翻译学的观点提出商榷。
- 4. If considering a counterargument changes your position, you will need to go back and revise your original argument accordingly.
- 如果考虑相反的论点,使你改变了立场,那么你需要回过头来逐一修正你最初的论证。
- 5. The tsunami was but one clear counterargument to the claim that nuclear power is a safe solution to climate change and dwindling oil supplies.
- 对于宣称核能是应对气候变化和减少石油供应的安全解决方案的人来说,海啸只是其中一次明白无误的抗辩。
- 6. The only possibility of a counterargument, Cline said, is if the venerable, time-tested standard model of particle physics is proven wrong.
- 大卫·克莱因说,反驳论点的唯一可能性,只能在于那珍贵的、经过时间考验的粒子物理学的标准模型被证明是否还存在着某种错误。
- 7. Your teachers will be able to help you develop the intellectual reflex of sympathetic engagement with counterargument because they have that reflex themselves.
- 你的老师可以帮助你形成这种智力反射因为他们本身都有这种反射。
- 8. The counterargument right of adduction is a nation of the science of civil law, but this kind of system not established in the science of negotiable instruments law.
- 援用抗辩权是民法学上的一个概念,票据法学则没有确立这种制度。
- 9. A counterargument is that millions of dollars are spent in elections - including public money in many places - in ways that alienate and misinform voters. Why is a lottery worse?
- 反方论点是,有成百上千万美元花在选举上——在很多地方用的是公款——只是起到疏远和误导选民的作用。为什么抽奖更恶劣呢?
- 10. According to "General Surveys", the effect of negative prescription is composed of three doctrines: extinction of subjective right, extinction of claims and occurrence of right to counterargument.
- “通说”将消灭时效的效力分为实体权利消灭、诉权消灭和抗辩权发生三主义。
- 11. According to "General Surveys", the effect of negative prescription is composed of three doctrines: extinction of subjective right, extinction of claims and occurrence of right to counterargument.
- “通说”将消灭时效的效力分为实体权利消灭、诉权消灭和抗辩权发生三主义。