- 1. The government has lent millions of dollars to debt-ridden banks in contravention of local banking laws.
- 政府把数百万美元借给了债台高筑的银行,违反了地方银行业法律。
- 2. These actions are in contravention of European law.
- 这些行动违反了欧洲的法律。
- 3. It is an act in contravention of regulations.
- 这一条规则常有人违反。
- 4. The solution: when in his left leg in contravention of breath.
- 解决办法:在左脚触地时呼气。
- 5. Any attempted assignment in contravention of this Clause shall be void.
- 任何试图违反本条规定进行的转让均为无效。
- 6. Syndiospecific eleyart contravention of these, the transaction will be blocked.
- 违犯这些俗规, 买卖交易就会受阻。
- 7. In contravention of the principles of equality before the law, Dagens Nyheter argues.
- DN认为这些都是有违法律面前人人平等的准则的。
- 8. To order the Referee to halt the match when the Arbitrator signals a contravention of the Rules of Competition.
- 下令主审暂停比赛,当监察出示讯号有违反竞赛规则发生。
- 9. As we waited, a truck came out of the reserve piled high with bamboo, in contravention of a court ban on logging.
- 等待时,一辆满载竹子的大货车驶出了保护区,而当地法院早就禁止在保护区内砍伐树木。
- 10. The Director may detain the ship until the contravention ceases or the requirement or direction is complied with, as the case may be.
- 处长可扣留该船舶,直至该违反事件停止或直至该规定或指令获得遵守为止。
- 11. The article, with analyzing characteristic and contravention of news commodity, shows author's thought of disadvantage in news market operation.
- 本文通过分析新闻商品的特征及其悖论,结合目前新闻市场运作的特点和缺陷,表明作者对此状况的担心。
- 12. The dilemma of this period also acted in Liang Qichao's creative practice, the theoretical contravention had limited the perfection of his works.
- 这一阶段的尴尬,还表现在理论自身矛盾对梁氏创作实践的限制。
- 13. The fishermen had been held by Somali pirates for a week and freed after a ransom of $1.2m—so it was rumoured—was paid, in contravention of Spanish law.
- 传言声称被劫持一周的西班牙渔船Playa deBakio号在支付120万美元赎金后被海盗释放,而支付赎金的做法则是违反了西班牙法律。
- 14. Article 48 Whoever out of force majeure ACTS in contravention of the Law on the Entry and Exit of Aliens and the present Rules may be exempted from penalties.
- 第四十八条由于不可抗拒的原因而违反《外国人入境出境管理法》及本实施细则的,可免于处罚。
- 15. Or that any summons for any such contravention or failure to comply has been duly served on the owner, demise charter or representative person of the ship.
- 或已就该违反条文或未能遵守条文的事件向该船舶的船东、转管租约承租人或代表人妥为送达传票。
- 16. Two proposals raised as focal points in the text are: Firstly embody feature from principle, including non-contravention principle and operating principle.
- 本文重点提了两条建议:一是从原则体现特色。包括不抵触原则和可操作原则。
- 17. We will not use your Personal Information in contravention of the above Personal Information Collection Purposes or outside the scope of this Privacy Policy.
- 我们不会在违背上述个人信息收集目的的情况下,或超出本隐私政策的范围外使用您的个人信息。
- 18. The contravention between economy development and energy consume, environment pollution is even severe. Renewable energy will solve these problems totally and ultimately.
- 中国经济的快速增长与高能耗、高污染的矛盾日趋严重,开发利用可再生能源为从根本上解决这些问题提供了新的思路。
- 19. We will not process, alter, or damage your Personal Information in contravention of the Personal Information Collection Purposes or outside the scope of this Privacy Policy.
- 我们不会在违背您的个人信息收集目的的情况下,或超出本隐私政策的范围处理、篡改、毁损您的个人信息。
- 20. It can not only control according to the fact of consumer in the distance to solve the contravention of water supply pressure not enough , but also found fault of it in time.
- 它不但能根据用水用户的实际要求进行远程控制,满足用户的实际要求,为用户提供高质量的供水服务,解决了当前存在的许多地方供水压力达不到要求的矛盾;
- 21. So that, the contravention of those questions to be resolved only depend on the detailed analysis and assessment on the noise and previde some corresponding countermeasures f…
- 只有通过对空调器系统噪声进行合理分析与评价并找出噪声控制对策,才能化解这方面的矛盾。
- 22. A possible solution is to have a moderate and broad understanding of local decrees power to create administrative licensing, and control it through the application of non-contravention prin.
- 一种可能的策略是适度宽泛地理解地方性法规的行政许可设定权,并以“不抵触”原则和《行政许可法》有关条款精神予以必要的约束。
- 23. Any non-compliance by any person may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap. 499) and may become the subject of appropriate action under the Ordinance.
- 任何人士如有不符合本许可证的情况,可能违反环境影响评估条例(第499章)的规定,而当局可根据条例采取适当行动。
- 24. That the concept of traditional sculpture is static, visualization, and can be in contravention of the three-dimensional objects to the main image of the modeling and spatial forms reflect reality.
- 传统的观念认为雕塑是静态的、可视的、可触的三维物体,以主体的造型形象和空间形式反映现实。
- 25. That the concept of traditional sculpture is static, visualization, and can be in contravention of the three-dimensional objects to the main image of the modeling and spatial forms reflect reality.
- 传统的观念认为雕塑是静态的、可视的、可触的三维物体,以主体的造型形象和空间形式反映现实。