- 1. Susan continued to live uptown.
- 苏珊继续住在市郊。
- 2. The bird continued to warble.
- 鸟儿继续啁啾。
- 3. The dollar continued to slide.
- 美元继续下跌。
- 4. His business continued to prosper.
- 他的生意持续兴隆。
- 5. The war continued for an eternity.
- 那场战争持续了极长的时间。
- 6. The bus continued onward.
- 公交车继续前行。
- 7. He continued on his way.
- 他继续走他的路。
- 8. Week after week the drought continued.
- 干旱持续了好多个星期。
- 9. Ben continued to stare out the window.
- 本继续凝视着窗外。
- 10. They continued the search as dawn broke.
- 他们在天亮之后继续搜寻。
- 11. He continued to rule the country de facto.
- 实际上,他继续统治着这个国家。
- 12. The press continued its jingoistic display.
- 该媒体继续其极端爱国主义的表现。
- 13. Out on the streets, the shelling continued.
- 在外面街道上,炮击在继续。
- 14. Solti continued to conduct here and abroad.
- 佐尔蒂继续在国内外指挥。
- 15. The pressure for change continued to mount.
- 改革的呼声持续高涨。
- 16. They continued with undiminished enthusiasm.
- 他们热情依旧地继续着。
- 17. He righted the yacht and continued the race.
- 他扶正了帆船,继续比赛。
- 18. After a brief pause, they continued climbing.
- 他们略停了一下就继续爬山。
- 19. We continued tracking the plane on our radar.
- 我们继续用雷达追踪那架飞机。
- 20. They continued to get their silks from China.
- 他们继续从中国获取丝绸。
- 21. They continued along the flank of the mountain.
- 他们沿着山的侧面继续前进。
- 22. Prince continued his enthusiastic gyrations on stage.
- 王子继续在台上激情地旋转。
- 23. Inflationary pressures continued to slacken last month.
- 通货膨胀的压力上个月持续减轻。
- 24. Morris ignored the question and continued his monologue.
- 莫里斯不理会那个问题,继续他的长篇大论。
- 25. The president continued the broadside against his opponent.
- 总统继续对其对手展开猛烈抨击。
- 26. The rain continued unabated.
- 雨势一直没减弱。
- 27. The rain continued to pour down.
- 大雨哗哗地下个不停。
- 28. Eyes downcast, she continued eating.
- 她低垂双眼,不停地吃。
- 29. She continued to work without respite.
- 她连续工作,没有休息。
- 30. She continued to assert her innocence.
- 她仍然坚称自己无辜。