- 1. Part of me was very frightened and I consciously had to get a grip on myself.
- 我其实非常害怕,但又不得不有意识地控制住自己。
- 2. A previous study noted that dolphins always consciously control their breathing.
- 先前的一项研究指出,海豚总是有意识地控制自己的呼吸。
- 3. In literature, Greek writers were consciously used as models by their Latin successors.
- 在文学方面,希腊作家被他们的拉丁后继者有意识地当作榜样。
- 4. No one believes a beaver consciously weighs the pros and cons of each of these elements.
- 没人会相信一只海狸能有意识地去权衡每个要素的利弊。
- 5. This can indicate a number of things and can also be used to consciously send messages about intent.
- 这可以表明很多事情,也可以用来有意识地传递关于意图的信息。
- 6. A more effective technique is "reframing", which means consciously reinterpreting a situation in a more positive light.
- 一种更有效的方法是“重构”,也就是有意识地从更积极的角度重新解释一种情况。
- 7. She was self-consciously aware of his stare.
- 她意识到他在看她,感到不自在。
- 8. Consciously or unconsciously, you made a choice.
- 不管是有意还是无意,你已作出了选择。
- 9. Sophie was not consciously seeking a replacement after her father died.
- 索菲在父亲去世后没有刻意地找一个代替的人。
- 10. Most people cannot consciously remember much before the ages of 3 to 5 years.
- 多数人不能清楚地记得3到5岁之前的多少事情。
- 11. Gut feelings can occur without a person being consciously aware of them.
- 直觉会在一个人没有意识到的情况下产生。
- 12. We're not trying to assign blame or criticize anyone or call anyone consciously sexist.
- 我们不是要指责或批评任何人,也不是有意给人戴上性别歧视者的帽子。
- 13. In addition, Teotihuacán's elite may have consciously attempted to attract new inhabitants.
- 此外,特奥蒂瓦坎的贵族可能有意地去吸引新的移民。
- 14. However, it should be kept in mind that many societies that knew of agriculture more or less consciously avoided it.
- 然而应该记住的是,许多对农业有所了解的社会都或多或少有意识地避免了它。
- 15. Exceptional companies approach these tradeoffs with two simple rules in mind, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously.
- 杰出的公司在权衡这些问题时,会有意无意地遵循两条简单的规则。
- 16. For the most part, however, we breathe in the aromas which surround us without being consciously aware of their importance to us.
- 然而,在大多数时候,我们呼吸着周围的香气,却没有意识到它们对我们的重要性。
- 17. We base them, consciously or unconsciously, on real people, or we blend several people's traits, their attributes into one character.
- 我们有意或无意地把它们建立在真人基础上,或者把几个人的特点,他们的属性,混合成一个角色。
- 18. Yeats takes on self-consciously staged identities, requiring costumes, and he sees other people in similarly theatrical and mythic terms.
- 叶芝扮演了一种不自然的舞台身份,需要服装,他以同样戏剧化和神话化的方式看待他人。
- 19. If this is true, it would mean that Upper Paleolithic people were capable of complex thought and were consciously aware of their environment.
- 如果这是真的,那就意味着旧石器时代晚期的人们有能力进行复杂的思考,并会下意识地去了解他们所处的环境。
- 20. The distinction between pheromones and odorants—chemicals that are consciously detected as odors—can be blurry, and some researchers classify pheromones as a type of odorant.
- 信息素和odorants (被检测为气味的化学物质)之间的区别可能是模糊的,一些研究人员将信息素归类为一种 odorant。
- 21. These ideas are not learnt consciously.
- 这些思想是无意识学到的。
- 22. He is consciously trying to overcome his weakness.
- 他有意识地在克服自己的缺点。
- 23. Everybody consciously attends to things and everything is attended to.
- 人人自觉管,事事有人管。
- 24. Consume information consciously.
- 下意识地消费信息。
- 25. I did this consciously.
- 我是有意识这样做的。
- 26. Not consciously, but choose they do.
- 他们没有意识,却自有选择。
- 27. Jackson consciously aimed at doing that.
- 杰克逊有意识地在抓这个事情。
- 28. But at least make that decision consciously.
- 至少,你应该是有意识地做出这样的决定的。
- 29. But at least make that decision consciously.
- 至少,你应该是有意识地做出这样的决定的。