- 1. He sang his invocations in a beautiful oaken tenor with a freckle-faced boy at his side playing conga and tambourine as if it was a full drum kit.
- 他唱着自己的调调,在一个美丽的橡木男高音的雀斑脸的男孩在他身边用康加舞和铃鼓伴奏,仿佛这是一个充满鼓声音的箱子。
- 2. Senorita, feel the conga, let me see you move like you come from Colombia.
- 小姐,感受康茄的节拍,让我看到你像哥伦比亚人一样的摇摆。
- 3. Senorita, feel the conga, let me see you move like you come from Colombia.
- 感觉到康茄舞的拍子,让我看到你像哥伦比亚人一样的摇摆。
- 4. It's called la conga which is one of the most popular dances in South America.
- 这叫做康茄舞,这种舞是在南美洲最流行的一种。
- 5. Get your DJ equipment and your vintage Miami Sound Machine CDs and head to China. You'll be sure to kill it introducing them to the wedding Conga line.
- 带上你的DJ设备,还有迈阿密之音乐队的古董cd,出发前往中国吧。把这些元素引入中国婚礼上的康茄舞舞队,你一定会大获成功。
- 6. Milton Sánchez, who leads an anti-Conga coalition, says the project would devastate a watershed that drains into the Marañón river, Peru’s second-longest.
- 领导一个反对孔加矿业项目联盟的密尔顿•桑切斯(Milton Sánchez)说,该项目会破坏一处集水区,那里的水流入秘鲁第二大河马拉尼翁河(Marañón river)。
- 7. Milton sanchez, who leads an anti-Conga coalition, says the project would devastate a watershed that drains into the maranon river, Peru's second-longest.
- 康加反联盟发言人米尔顿·桑切斯Miltonsanchez0说这个工程将破坏秘鲁第二长河—莫罗纳河的一条支流。
- 8. Conga lines of jets at crowded airports, particularly in New York, Washington, D. C., and Chicago, led to long delays and calls to modernize the nation's air-traffic-control system.
- 在各地拥挤的机场(尤以纽约、华盛顿和芝加哥为甚),喷气式飞机排成了康加舞队形,导致了长时间的误机,美国空中交通管制系统急需改进。
- 9. The Yangko was danced without any specific partner, either in a circle or in a kind of conga line which primary-school boys and girls often formed on the street as they came home from school.
- 扭秧歌无需特定的舞伴,只要绕着圈,或是组成类似康茄舞的队形就可以扭起来。小学生们放学后,也常常一路扭着秧歌回家。
- 10. The company engages in regular “random acts of kindness”: workers form a noisy conga line and single out one of their colleagues for praise. The praisee then has to wear a silly hat for a week.
- Zappo公司定期开展“不经意的善良举动”活动:员工们闹哄哄地排成一队,选出一个同事来进行表扬,而这个被表扬的人在接下来的一周都要戴着一顶看起来很傻的帽子。
- 11. The company engages in regular “random acts of kindness”: workers form a noisy conga line and single out one of their colleagues for praise. The praisee then has to wear a silly hat for a week.
- Zappo公司定期开展“不经意的善良举动”活动:员工们闹哄哄地排成一队,选出一个同事来进行表扬,而这个被表扬的人在接下来的一周都要戴着一顶看起来很傻的帽子。