- 1. Good communication is key to our success.
- 良好的沟通是我们成功的关键。
- 2. We are in regular communication by letter.
- 我们定期通信联系。
- 3. Television is an effective means of communication.
- 电视是一种有效的通信手段。
- 4. All channels of communication need to be kept open.
- 所有沟通渠道都得保持畅通无阻。
- 5. Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills.
- 角色扮演有助于提高沟通技巧。
- 6. There was a tremendous lack of communication between us.
- 我们之间极其缺乏沟通。
- 7. Negotiators say they're keeping communication lines open.
- 谈判代表声称他们保持着沟通管道的通畅。
- 8. Lithuania hasn't had any direct communication with Moscow.
- 立陶宛与莫斯科还没有任何直接的交流。
- 9. Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.
- 他们通讯系统的效率极其低下。
- 10. Speech is the fastest method of communication between people.
- 说话是人与人之间交流最快捷的方法。
- 11. Good communication with people around you could prove difficult.
- 与你周围的人的良好沟通会被证明是很难的。
- 12. Some sign languages are very sophisticated means of communication.
- 一些手势语是非常复杂的交流方式。
- 13. Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days.
- 大雪使得与外界的通信联系中断了三天。
- 14. Honeybees use one of the most sophisticated communication systems of any insect.
- 蜜蜂所使用的交流系统是昆虫中最复杂的之一。
- 15. The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students.
- 发简讯是沟通师生的有益渠道。
- 16. The methods of communication used during the war were primitive by today's standards.
- 按今天的标准,大战时期使用的通讯方法非常简陋。
- 17. Messaging allows real-time communication by keyboard with up to five people at any one time.
- 信息的发送能使最多五个人同时通过键盘进行实时交流。
- 18. One of the fundamental bars to communication is the lack of a universally spoken, common language.
- 沟通的根本障碍之一就是缺乏一种通用的共同语言。
- 19. This communication changed his life.
- 这次交流改变了他的生活。
- 20. There are all avenues of communication.
- 这些都是沟通的方式。
- 21. How to improve communication among friends?
- 如何增进朋友间的交流?
- 22. Huawei gives us a slower communication way.
- 华为为我们提供了一种较慢的沟通方式。
- 23. Animals have instinctive communication systems.
- 动物有本能的交流系统。
- 24. They should be reserved for urgent communication.
- 它们应该留作紧急通讯之用。
- 25. What makes it different from animal communication?
- 它与动物交流有什么不同?
- 26. They will realise the importance of communication.
- 他们会意识到沟通的重要性。
- 27. Oral communication is fast-moving and impermanent.
- 口头交流速度快但持续时间短。
- 28. There was little communication outside the meeting.
- 会议之外几乎没有交流。
- 29. Human language permits communication about anything.
- 人类的语言可以用来交流任何事情。
- 30. What does physical contact in communication suggest?
- 肢体接触在交流中意味着什么?