- 1. I always read her column in the local paper.
- 我一直读她在当地报纸上的专栏文章。
- 2. His column is syndicated throughout the world.
- 他的专栏文章在世界各地的报刊发表。
- 3. This column displays the title of the mail message.
- 这一栏显示邮件标题。
- 4. A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air.
- 一柱浓烟升上几英里高的天空。
- 5. The new device emits a powerful circular column of light.
- 这个新装置发出一束强烈的环形光柱。
- 6. We had stupidly been looking at the wrong column of figures.
- 我们愚蠢地一直在看那个错的数字栏。
- 7. The top and bottom line of each column on the page should align.
- 版面每栏的头一行和末一行要对齐。
- 8. The explosion sent a column of smoke thousands of feet into the air.
- 爆炸造成的烟柱升入几千英尺的高空。
- 9. I am disgusted by the immaturity and stupidity presented in this column.
- 我对这个专栏的幼稚和愚蠢感到厌恶。
- 10. There's a searing column in today's paper about the president's decision.
- 今天的报纸上有一篇关于总统的决定的尖刻的专栏文章。
- 11. Reviews are distilled from articles previously published in the main column.
- 评论文章荟萃了发表于各大专栏文章的精华。
- 12. There was a column directly in my line of sight, so I could only see half the stage.
- 有一根柱子正挡着我的视线,所以我只能看见舞台的一半。
- 13. Add up the figures in this column.
- 把这一栏的数字合计一下。
- 14. Each column turns into an item of the list.
- 每一列都变成列表中的一项。
- 15. This column should be hidden from the user.
- 这一列对用户应该是隐藏的。
- 16. Read the letter to Aunty Chan's advice column.
- 请读出写给“陈阿姨的建议专栏”的信。
- 17. Read the letter to Aunty Chan's advice column.
- 请读出写给“陈阿姨的建议专栏”的信。
- 18. The kite lifted the column clean off the ground.
- 风筝把柱子从地面上完全提了起来。
- 19. You must cast up this column of figures carefully.
- 你必须认真地将这一栏数字加在一起。
- 20. What do we learn about the column Claudette writes?
- 关于克劳德特写的专栏,我们了解到什么?
- 21. In this column, you write down everything in the parcel.
- 在这一栏里,您要写上包裹里的每一件东西。
- 22. What happens when the order of the index column is random?
- 当索引列的顺序是随机的时候,将会发生什么呢?
- 23. I'll tackle that teeny, tiny problem in my column next week.
- 下个星期,我会在我的专栏里解决一下这个小而又小的问题。
- 24. The column explains American politics to her readers in France.
- 这个专栏向她的法国读者解释美国政治。
- 25. In addition, she writes the column that is published every week.
- 此外,她还为每周出版的专栏撰稿。
- 26. Perhaps you are a poor speller or cannot add up a column of figures.
- 也许是你的拼写能力太差了,又或许是你不会把纵列数字相加。
- 27. Please refer to the right-hand column of page 200 of this dictionary.
- 请参看这本词典第二百页右面一栏。
- 28. This means that a few years from now, a robot could be writing this column.
- 这意味着从现在起几年后,可能是一个机器人在写这篇专栏。
- 29. The name of the lock can be found on the right side of the MON-NAME column.
- 锁的名称可以在MON-NAME 栏的右侧找到。
- 30. The name of the lock can be found on the right side of the MON-NAME column.
- 锁的名称可以在MON-NAME 栏的右侧找到。