- 1. The cojones to make eye contact, no matter what dirty deed you're doing
- 无论你在做什么脏活儿,都别忘了关注他的需求。
- 2. White denim jacket and jeans is overkill, but the fact he has the cojones to even touch white denim is a feat in itself.
- 白色牛仔夹克配白色牛仔裤杀伤力实在太大,不过他敢去尝试白色牛仔裤已经是勇气可嘉了。
- 3. More likely, in his black heart, he simply regrets not having had the imagination and cojones to work those shell-game maneuvers back when he was on top.
- 很可能在黑暗的内心深处,他只是遗憾自己身处高位时没有机智和胆量多耍些骗人的把戏。 但他并没有丧失自己的才能。
- 4. More likely, in his black heart, he simply regrets not having had the imagination and cojones to work those shell-game maneuvers back when he was on top.
- 很可能在黑暗的内心深处,他只是遗憾自己身处高位时没有机智和胆量多耍些骗人的把戏。 但他并没有丧失自己的才能。