- 1. "People [in Japan] are cognisant of how much time remains and don't go over," said Shah.
- 沙阿说,“日本人能够意识到还剩多少时间,并且不会重复已经说过的话。”
- 2. It is for this reason that Bee advises initiates to be cognisant of the type of guidance one is receiving.
- 这就是蜜蜂要忠告提升者去认识你正接收的指导的类型的原因。
- 3. But third, the solution architect must be cognisant of the overarching business and it architecture responsibilities.
- 而第三,解决方案架构师必须认识到承担的全盘业务与IT体系结构责任。
- 4. Like Democritus and other Presocratics before him, Epicurus rejected the idea of anthropomorphic gods who were cognisant of human affairs.
- 就像在他之前的德谟克利特和苏格拉底之前的哲学家一般,伊壁鸠鲁识到人类事务的概念而拒绝了拟人化的神的观念。
- 5. During the actual delivery, they should be cognisant of emerging anecdotal evidence, as highlighted in this article, that will indicate the occurrence of these antipatterns.
- 在实际交付中,他们应该能够发现表明出现这些反模式的各种表现,正如本文所述。
- 6. It must also be cognisant of the possibility that if high inflation expectations become entrenched bringing them down will require even higher rates and come at a significant cost to growth.
- 它还必须认识到这样一种可能性:如果人们对高通胀预期“见怪不怪”,那么要降低预期,就需要更大幅度地加息,使经济增长付出沉重代价。
- 7. It must also be cognisant of the possibility that if high inflation expectations become entrenched bringing them down will require even higher rates and come at a significant cost to growth.
- 它还必须认识到这样一种可能性:如果人们对高通胀预期“见怪不怪”,那么要降低预期,就需要更大幅度地加息,使经济增长付出沉重代价。