- 1. Ghana's main export is cocoa.
- 加纳的主要出口产品是可可。
- 2. West Africa was the pivot of the cocoa trade.
- 西非是可可豆贸易的中心。
- 3. The Ivory Coast became the world's leading cocoa producer.
- 象牙海岸成了世界上领先的可可粉生产地。
- 4. About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide.
- 大约70%的可可豆种植区都用杀虫剂处理过。
- 5. A system of forced labour was used on the cocoa plantations.
- 一种受迫劳动制曾用于可可种植园。
- 6. They are controlling so much cocoa that they are virtually monopolizing the market.
- 控制着那么多可可粉,他们实际上是在垄断市场。
- 7. It appears in the shape of a cocoa seed.
- 它出现在可可种子的形状里。
- 8. Just travel down Cocoa Avenue until you get to East Chocolate Avenue.
- 你就沿着可可大道一直走,直到东巧克力大道。
- 9. A mug with something that looked like hot cocoa and steamed like hot cocoa sat on one edge of the tray.
- 托盘的一边摆放着一把杯子,里面盛着一些看起来像是热可可的东西,还像热可可那般冒着热气。
- 10. To create new stronger types of cocoa, scientists at the centre are combining the best parts from different cocoa plants.
- 为了创造出更强的新型可可,该中心的科学家们将不同可可植物中最好的部分结合在一起。
- 11. Though cocoa seed is not an ingredient of the soda, they designed their bottle based on the seed's shape and large middle.
- 虽然可可种子不是这款苏打水的一种原料,但他们根据种子的形状和中间部分比较大的特点设计了瓶子。
- 12. The length of roasting depends on the type and size of the beans to form cocoa, which is mixed with sugar and fats to form chocolate.
- 烘焙时间的长短取决于可可豆的种类和大小,可可豆与糖和脂肪混合形成巧克力。
- 13. Workers at the Root Glass Company got the request and began flipping through the encyclopedia at the local library, landing on cocoa seed.
- 鲁特玻璃公司的员工收到了这份要求,他们开始在当地图书馆翻阅百科全书,找到了可可种子。
- 14. There are two main causes of the chocolate shortage—chocolate's growing popularity and less production of cocoa, the plant from which chocolate is made.
- 巧克力短缺的主要原因有两个——巧克力越来越受欢迎,以及制作巧克力的植物可可产量减少。
- 15. What's worse, many cocoa farmers in Africa and other cocoa producing countries like Indonesia and Venezuela are changing to easier to grow crops such as corn or rubber.
- 更糟糕的是,非洲和印尼、委内瑞拉等其他可可生产国的许多可可种植者正在改种玉米或橡胶等更容易种植的作物。
- 16. To prevent more farmers from changing, researchers at the newly opened International Cocoa Control Centre, in the UK, are trying to create new cocoa plants that are stronger and faster growing.
- 为了防止更多的农民改变种植方式,英国新成立的国际可可控制中心(InternationalCocoa Control Centre)的研究人员正在尝试种植更强壮、生长更快的可可树。
- 17. Cocoa is the country's economic mainstay.
- 可可是这个国家的经济支柱。
- 18. The cacao tree gets large brown fruits called cocoa pods, and inside the pods are cocoa beans.
- 可可树结出硕大的棕色果实,叫做可可豆荚,豆荚里面是可可豆。
- 19. That liquid is pressed until it separates and the result is cocoa butter, which can be turned into chocolate.
- 将这种液体挤压至分离,得到的就是可可脂,可可脂可以制成巧克力。
- 20. Coffee is one of the three major beverages in the world, along with cocoa and tea. More than 1.6 billion people consume it worldwide.
- 咖啡是世界三大饮品之一,另外两种是可可和茶。全世界有超过16亿人饮用咖啡。
- 21. Simply place your cup of cocoa on top of the hot plate, and your mug will stay steamier for longer.
- 只要把你的可可杯放置于热盘的最高层,你的马克杯就会长久地保持热度。
- 22. The feasibility of preparation of particulate activated carbon from char of cocoa nut husk by water vapour microwave was studied.
- 研究了以椰壳炭化料为原料,采用水蒸气微波法制备颗粒活性炭的可行性。
- 23. Cocoa powder (optional).
- 可可粉(可选)。
- 24. The higher the cocoa, the less sugar.
- 可可含量越高,糖份就越少。
- 25. What can replace Cocoa?
- 有什么可以替代Cocoa ?
- 26. IzChallengers may be soy, milk or cocoa.
- 过敏源可能是大豆,牛奶或者可可。
- 27. Whole cocoa beans can also be purchased.
- 全可可豆在这里也可以购买到。
- 28. One afternoon, Cocoa started acting strangely.
- 有一天下午,科科开始行动反常。
- 29. Myth #1: Cocoa butter prevents stretch marks. False.
- 1:可可油防止妊娠纹的产生。
- 30. Residents often give the carolers hot cocoa in return.
- 居民通常会给唱圣诞颂歌的人热可可作为回报。