- 1. Kids need a range of authentic role models—as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes.
- 孩子们需要一些真正的榜样,而不是他们小圈子里的人、流行歌星或自吹自擂的运动员那样的。
- 2. He was accepted into the most popular clique on campus.
- 他被吸收到了校园里最受欢迎的小团体里。
- 3. How to find the maximum edge-weighted clique?
- 如何找到边缘最大加权集团?
- 4. As well as do not participate in the clique moving.
- 以及不要参与派系活动。
- 5. Vickie looked like she was ready to fight the clique.
- 薇奇看起来已经做好了迎战的准备了。
- 6. The open and close of septa velum Clique is by the pipeline pressure on the septa velum Clique .
- 隔膜阀的关闭与开启是通过来自管路的压力作用于增强橡胶隔膜实现的。
- 7. After unifying Guangxi in the year of 1925, the New Gui Clique began the transport construction.
- 1925年,新桂系统一广西后,便开始着手广西的交通建设。
- 8. Experimental results show that this algorithm is more effective in clustering than CLIQUE and SUBCLU.
- 实验结果证明,与CLIQUE和SUBCLU相比,该算法具有更好的聚类效果。
- 9. The maximum clique problem is one of the classical NP-complete problems from combinatorial optimization.
- 最大团问题是组合优化中的一个经典的NP -完全问题。
- 10. If the renegade clique of that country were in power, it would have meant serious disaster for the people.
- 如果那个国家的叛徒集团一得势,人民就要遭殃。
- 11. This problem is a generalization of the problem of finding the maximum cardinality clique of an unweighted graph.
- 这个问题是寻找无权图的最大团问题的推广。
- 12. This paper examines the process of clique formation among company employees using the agent-based simulation model.
- 本文以行动者的模拟模型考察公司中的雇员形成派系的过程。
- 13. Some disciples whom cheated around and broke commandants, they were birds of one feather and formed a small clique.
- 另外,一些在外面招摇撞骗、不守戒律的人,他们也是一丘之貉,物以类聚地各自形成一个小团体。
- 14. Kids need a range of authentic role models - as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes.
- 孩子需要各种各样真实的角色模型——与他们的圈内成员、流行明星以及受吹捧的运动员形成对比。
- 15. It is based on the markov random field with new features, such as clique potential, initial nodes probability density.
- 此应用是基于马尔可夫随机场的新特性:势团势能,初始节点的概率密度。
- 16. But at the same time it also knows that the military clique at present has to overcome not only external but international difficulties.
- 但与此同时,现在的军阀派系要克服的不仅是国内的困局而且来自国际的困局。
- 17. This could have worked better considering I went to a 2, 000-person school where nobody knew anyone outside of their clique of about 50 people.
- 这可能会更好地理解上面的行为:我去过一个2000人的学校,在那里没人认识他们的小圈子(约50人)以外的任何人。
- 18. This new breed was a misfit clique that blogged, researched, fact-checked, ferried samples, lugged equipment and got bylines for their trouble.
- 这个新的不太合群的小圈子是这么一群人,她们写博客,做调查,挖事实,搬东西,为自己闯下的祸签名买单。
- 19. The consistency of the allocation result and the convergence speed of clique partition algorithm can be improved greatly by the heuristic method.
- 不仅提高了团划分算法求解功能单元分配问题的计算结果一致性,而且使算法的收敛速度得以提高。
- 20. A new algorithm for the maximum clique problem has been presented in this paper, the local enumerative algorithm based on average degree sorting.
- 提出了关于最大团问题的一种新思路基于平均度排序的局部枚举算法。
- 21. A new algorithm for the maximum clique problem has been presented in this paper, the local enumerative algorithm based on average degree sorting.
- 提出了关于最大团问题的一种新思路基于平均度排序的局部枚举算法。