- 1. lt's just a matter of certain adaptations in their anatomies, specifically in their circulatory system.
- 这只是它们在解剖学上,特别是循环系统上的某些适应性问题。
- 2. A small intestinal villosity microvessels model and a circulatory simulation system were made.
- 制作了一个小肠绒毛微血管模型和一个循环模拟系统。
- 3. Showers stimulates the circulatory system and metabolism.
- 淋浴会促进循环系统的新陈代谢。
- 4. Your circulatory system, of course, has a pump - your heart.
- 当然,在你的循环系统有一个心脏来驱动。
- 5. He entered an exhibit showing how the circulatory system works.
- 丹尼尔带着他的循环电路系统参加了这次展览。
- 6. The way it's usually depicted is as a closed circulatory system.
- 这种方式通常被描述为一个闭合的循环系统。
- 7. The balance sheet for a corporation can be like the circulatory system.
- 对于一个公司的资金平衡表它,就像循环系统一样。 这样,知识以图像的方式快速的储存在右脑中,记忆东西也变得简单了。
- 8. In the center layer (mesoderm) the heart and circulatory system are forming.
- 在中胚层,心脏和循环系统正在形成。
- 9. In the center layer (mesoderm), the heart and circulatory system are forming.
- 在中胚层,心脏和循环系统正在形成。
- 10. The heart is a muscular pump at the center of the cardiovascular (circulatory) system.
- 心脏位于心血管(血液循环)系统的中枢,相当于一个由肌肉组织构成的泵。
- 11. Shown in red are Haversian canals, part of the compact bone's intricate circulatory network.
- 红色部分是哈弗斯管—密质骨复杂循环的一部分。
- 12. Their list of diseases included hundreds - everything from cancers to circulatory and digestive disorders.
- 他们的列表中的疾病有几百种——从癌症到循环与消化疾病都有。
- 13. Losing hair on the rest of your body could be aging or menopause, or a metabolic disorder or circulatory problems.
- 身体其他部位毛发脱落可能是因为你步入老龄或绝经期,也可能是代谢紊乱或循环系统出了问题所致。
- 14. Click here for a summary of the importance of the Atlantic Conveyor, a critical component of the oceanic circulatory system.
- 点击这里看一份关于大西洋输送带重要性的概述。大西洋输送带是海洋循环系统的重要组成部分。
- 15. Adequate intake of potassium can help to guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke.
- 适当摄取钾元素能够预防血液循环疾病,像高血压,心脏病和中风。
- 16. These systems are the circulatory systems of the region. And you stop the circulatory system, and you paralyze the region.
- 这是该地区的循环系统,如果停止了这个系统,整个地区就瘫痪了。
- 17. The main features of currency are its financial and circulatory characteristics on the basis of being a universal equivalent.
- 货币最主要的特性是在一般等价物的基础之上,所拥有的金融性和流通性。
- 18. It's the briny broth of our origins, the pounding circulatory system of the world, a precarious molecular edge on which we survive.
- 生命来源于海洋,海洋是地球循环系统的关键一环,这些不稳定的小分子使我们的生存基础。
- 19. So various factors, from eating to circulatory health to the ambient temperature, play a part in how long you could go without water.
- 因此,从饮食到循环系统的健康再到环境温度,众多的因素决定了一个人在脱水的情况下能存活多久。
- 20. As COPD advances, it becomes intertwined with heart failure, because your circulatory system isn't getting the oxygen it needs to be healthy.
- 当COPD加深时,就会常常伴有心力衰竭,因为你的循环系统没有获得能让它良好运行必需的氧气。
- 21. A mustard compress also brings more blood to the fingers of people with Raynaud's phenomenon, a circulatory problem that causes frigid fingers.
- 芥末敷布使雷诺氏病患者增加更多的血液,该病症因循环问题而导致患者手指冰凉。
- 22. Further, the sudden release of toxins from necrotic muscle into the circulatory system leads to myoglobinuria, which causes renal failure if untreated.
- 此外,来自坏死肌肉的毒素突然释放进入循环系统,会造成肌红蛋白尿,如果不予治疗就会引起肾功能衰竭。
- 23. An artificial kidney powered by the circulatory system could be the first implantable device to replace kidney donation and dialysis, scientists say.
- 科学家们说,一种由循环系统控制的人工肾脏可能是第一个可植入人体的肾脏设备,可以此来代替捐赠的肾脏和进行透析治疗。
- 24. Keeping your circulatory system in working order, by, say, avoiding cigarettes and saturated fat, lessens the onslaught of age-related damage to the brain.
- 保持你循环系统的正常运转,比方说,避开香烟和饱和脂肪,减少与年龄有关的损害大脑的刺激。
- 25. “You could block the nerve with an injection of lidocaine, cool the area, and if it still happens it’s probably a circulatory-system thing, ” she says.
- “你可以通过注射利卡多因来阻塞神经,然后再冷冻那一块,如果感觉依然存在,那么就和循环系统有关了,”她解释道。
- 26. Some scientists believe this is because of the increased blood flow through the circulatory system which carries oxygen to the brain as well as the muscles.
- 一些科学家相信这是因为血液流动通过给大脑和肌肉输送氧气的循环系统不断增加所致。
- 27. A mild stroke can also be caused by a blood clot, which, Liebeskind said, can occur anywhere in the circulatory system, cutting off blood flow to the brain.
- 里贝斯金提到,轻度中风亦可能是由血凝块所引发。血凝块可能存于血液循环任一环节,它将削减流向大脑的血液流量。
- 28. Initially, she had expected to find that obesity's effect on cognition was mediated by heart and circulatory pathways such as blood flow and blood pressure.
- 起初,她本来期望能看到在诸如血液流动和血压这类循环途径和心脏的作用下,肥胖症给认知造成的影响会得到调节。
- 29. Initially, she had expected to find that obesity's effect on cognition was mediated by heart and circulatory pathways such as blood flow and blood pressure.
- 起初,她本来期望能看到在诸如血液流动和血压这类循环途径和心脏的作用下,肥胖症给认知造成的影响会得到调节。