- 1. Can I bum a cigarette off you?
- 给我一根烟好吗?
- 2. Winston is a brand of cigarette.
- 云斯顿是一种香烟品牌。
- 3. He sucked on his cigarette.
- 他吸了吸他的香烟。
- 4. He drew on an American cigarette.
- 他吸了一口美国香烟。
- 5. He sat back and lit up a cigarette.
- 他往椅背上一靠,点上烟吸了起来。
- 6. Can I cadge a cigarette?
- 我可以讨一根香烟吗?
- 7. The end of his cigarette glowed red.
- 他的烟头发着微弱的红光。
- 8. Cigarette advertising has been banned.
- 香烟广告已遭禁止。
- 9. His eyes watered from cigarette smoke.
- 他的眼睛被香烟烟雾呛出了泪水。
- 10. He inhaled deeply on another cigarette.
- 他又点了一根烟深深地吸了一口。
- 11. He ground his cigarette into the ashtray.
- 他把香烟按在烟灰缸里捻灭。
- 12. The cigarette burned a hole in the carpet.
- 香烟把地毯烧了个洞。
- 13. He flicked his cigarette out of the window.
- 他倏地一下把香烟弹出了窗外。
- 14. A cigarette end glowed red in the darkness.
- 一个烟头在黑暗中发着红光。
- 15. He breathed out a stream of cigarette smoke.
- 他吐出一缕香烟的烟雾。
- 16. He brushed the cigarette ash from his sleeve.
- 他掸掉了袖子上的烟灰。
- 17. A dropped cigarette may have sparked the fire.
- 一支丢弃的香烟可能引发了这场火灾。
- 18. Cigarette smoking multiplies the risk of cancer.
- 抽烟会大大增加得癌症的风险。
- 19. The dead cigarette was still between his fingers.
- 燃尽的香烟还夹在他指缝间。
- 20. The floor of the car was covered in cigarette ends.
- 小轿车内底板上满是烟蒂。
- 21. I took a puff on the cigarette and started coughing.
- 我抽了一口烟就开始咳嗽起来。
- 22. He dropped his cigarette butt into the street below.
- 他把烟蒂扔到了下面的街上。
- 23. The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette.
- 这种产品看上去和点起来都像一支普通的香烟。
- 24. He broke his wrist climbing rocks for a cigarette ad.
- 他为了一个香烟广告攀岩折断了手腕。
- 25. Halfway down the cigarette she had a fit of coughing.
- 烟抽到一半时,她一阵咳嗽。
- 26. Reaching into her pocket, she brought out a cigarette.
- 她把手伸进口袋,拿出一根香烟。
- 27. Morgan dropped his cigarette and crushed it underfoot.
- 摩根把香烟扔掉并用脚踩灭了。
- 28. The approach has virtually ended cigarette sales to minors.
- 这一作法实际上已经终止了向未成年人出售香烟。
- 29. In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing.
- 在发展中国家香烟消费正在增长。
- 30. Cigarette smoking used to be more common among affluent people.
- 吸烟过去在富人中更为普遍。