- 1. Oracle must chuckle every time an open-source operating system company reports its paltry profits or losses.
- 每当一家开源操作系统公司报告其微薄的利润或亏损时,甲骨文公司肯定会窃笑。
- 2. This, usually said with a chuckle and a batting of the eyes, is generally meant to be just silly conversation, but I know too much to consider it to be cute.
- 通常这样面带轻笑并且眼神的碰撞谈话都很可笑,但我知道的太多了,不认为它可爱。
- 3. She gave a chuckle of delight.
- 她高兴得轻声笑了出来。
- 4. He gave a little chuckle.
- 他轻声一笑。
- 5. Today I unearthed a copy of "90 Minutes" and had a chuckle at your article.
- 今天,我找到了一册《90分钟》,并暗笑你的文章。
- 6. The officer, almost unable to control his chuckle, explained to her that "22" was the route number, not the speed limit.
- 警官几乎控制不住自己的笑声,向她解释道,“22”是路线编号,不是限速。
- 7. Mulan gave me a pathetic lower-teeth-revealing smile and grunted a charity chuckle. Then she got back to the topic at hand.
- 穆兰勉强一笑,露出下颚的牙齿,发出善意的轻笑。接着她又回到现有的话题上。
- 8. An NBA player once said to me, with a bemused chuckle of disbelief, that when playing in Canada—get this—"We have to wait in the same customs line as everybody else."
- 在加拿大打球时,一位NBA球员曾经低声轻笑,带着难以置信的神情跟我说:“我们必须和其他人一样在海关排队等候。”
- 9. He gave a small sad chuckle.
- 他苦笑了一声。
- 10. You'll get a good chuckle.
- 你会得到一个很好的笑道。
- 11. And I smile ear to ear and chuckle...
- 我偷偷地笑得都合不拢嘴了···。
- 12. When I hold that thought, I have to chuckle.
- 每当我有这种想法时,就忍不住咯咯地笑起来。
- 13. Nowadays John and I chuckle about those years when we visit.
- 如今,当我和约翰见面时谈起那一段时光都觉得好笑。
- 14. He wanted to chuckle, but he could not tell his mouth to do it.
- 他想笑,但他的嘴不听使唤。
- 15. "The kids want to know if I'm Harry Potter," he said with a chuckle.
- 哈利·波特笑着说:“孩子们想知道我到底是不是真的哈利·波特。”
- 16. Why not just level with them for a moment and have a little chuckle?
- 为什么不对他们说会儿实话,而是在一旁窃笑呢?
- 17. In the carriage going back to their hotel, Peter starter to chuckle.
- 坐在返回旅馆的车厢里,彼得开始咯咯地笑起来。
- 18. I have read the information, chuckle, this girl does not is the year that me?
- 我看了信息,抿嘴笑,这丫头不就是当年的那个我吗?
- 19. 'They joke with me about it —' I feel like a real man, "she says with a chuckle."
- 他们经常跟我开玩笑说,‘我总算觉得自己是个男人了’。
- 20. Everyone knows what tends to happen next, yet it rarely fails to elicit a chuckle.
- 当然,每个人都能想象到接下来将要发生什么事情,这很少能不引出一阵笑声。
- 21. "The last time I was invited to Japan, in 1945, I didn't much want to go," he would chuckle.
- “我上一次受邀去日本是在1945年,那一次我还不太想去呢,”说这些的时候他轻声地笑了。
- 22. "It's true we're less willing to eat bitterness," Chen said with a chuckle. "we're better educated."
- “诚然,我们不太愿意吃苦,”陈说,“我们受到更好的教育,我们知道自己的权利。”
- 23. Old people whose grown children pay little attention to them can chuckle at their neglect and loneliness.
- 被成年子女冷落的老人可以对自己被人遗忘、孤独的境地轻轻苦笑。
- 24. Cynics chuckle, and even Mr Paul sounds unenthusiastic about the Paulville project, in which he had no hand.
- 好挖苦的人轻声笑了,甚至保罗对这个保罗村项目听起来也不热心,因为他不参与这个项目。
- 25. Every time somebody wrote 00 in the year column of some form or anything of that sort, it gave them a chuckle.
- 每次有人在某种形式或者诸如此类的年份列中写00时,它总是嗤之一笑。
- 26. I chuckle. "yeah, yeah... I didn't say a word. But we do need to get back to the schoolyard so I can get my football."
- 我轻声笑道,“耶,耶……我什么也没说啊。不过我们该回操场去了,我得把我的球拿回来。”
- 27. No, I answer with a chuckle, there's no such industry in Alaska. But that's okay, because my son is not an engineer.
- 没有,我笑了,阿拉斯加没有这样的行业,不过没关系,因为我的儿子并不是工程师。
- 28. The reason I like it is the look on the security man's face as he guards the manager behind him. It really makes me chuckle.
- 我喜欢这张图的原因是主教练面前安保人员的面部表情,真是让人忍俊不禁啊。
- 29. The reason I like it is the look on the security man's face as he guards the manager behind him. It really makes me chuckle.
- 我喜欢这张图的原因是主教练面前安保人员的面部表情,真是让人忍俊不禁啊。