- 1. This protein is considered to be the cause of Chorea Huntington.
- 这种蛋白被认为是引起亨廷顿舞蹈症的病因。
- 2. The second stage is comprised of tremors or myoclonus, chorea and athetosis, and pyramidal tract signs.
- 第二期有震颤、肌痉挛、舞蹈症和手足徐动症以及椎体束征。
- 3. Chorea is an aimless and irregular, fast and involuntary movement of head and face, and four extremities.
- 舞蹈病临床常见以头面部及四肢无目地不规则,快速不自主的运动,呈突然发作。
- 4. Objective: to explore clinical characteristics of chorea, to improve clinical diagnosis accuracy and to reduce misdiagnosis.
- 目的:分析小舞蹈病的临床特点,以提高对小舞蹈病的认识,减少临床误诊。
- 5. It is mainly indicated for cerebral disorders, such as hemiplegia, numbness, aphasia, dizziness and vertigo, tinnitus, chorea, etc.
- 头针主要用于治疗脑源性疾病,如偏瘫,麻木、失语、眩晕、耳鸣、舞蹈病等。
- 6. Objective: to explore clinical characteristics of Sydenham chorea, to improve clinical diagnosis accuracy and to reduce misdiagnosis.
- 目的:分析小舞蹈病的临床特点,以提高对小舞蹈病的认识,减少临床误诊。
- 7. Sydenham chorea (St. Vitus dance) is usually associated with rheumatic fever. It usually occurs Between ages 5 and 15, more often in girls.
- 西德纳姆氏舞蹈病(或圣维杜斯舞蹈病)常常和风湿热有关。本病多累及五~十五岁的女孩。
- 8. Objective To study the clinical, neuroimaging features and identify the mutations of IT15, DRPLA, JPH3 and TBP genes in a large Chinese family of chorea.
- 目的明确一个无明显痴呆的舞蹈病家系的临床、影像学特征及IT15、DRPLA、JPH3、TBP基因突变情况。
- 9. The severe disease bearing the name of American physician George Huntington has been known under various other names, including Chorea major, or St. Vitus Dance, for a long time.
- 长期以来,这种具有美国医生乔治亨廷顿名字的严重疾病具有多个其他名字,包括舞蹈病,或圣维特舞蹈病。
- 10. Last October the genetics and insurance committee decided that the genetic test used to identify the risk of contracting huntington's chorea a fatal brain disease was relevant for life insurance.
- 去年10月,遗传学与保险委员会决定,用来鉴定一种致死性脑病亨廷顿氏舞蹈症的危险性的遗传检测与人寿保险有关。
- 11. Last October the genetics and insurance committee decided that the genetic test used to identify the risk of contracting huntington's chorea a fatal brain disease was relevant for life insurance.
- 去年10月,遗传学与保险委员会决定,用来鉴定一种致死性脑病亨廷顿氏舞蹈症的危险性的遗传检测与人寿保险有关。