- 1. The shelves were chock-a-block with ornaments.
- 架子上堆满了装饰品。
- 2. The small roads are chock-a-block with traffic.
- 小路被车辆塞得满满的。
- 3. The 32-page catalogue is chock-full of things that add fun to festive occasions.
- 这个32页的产品目录充满了令节日氛围愈发浓重的商品。
- 4. Use open chock.
- 用开口导缆钳。
- 5. The report was chock full of other eye-popping finds.
- 该报告还有很多其它惊人的发现。
- 6. A chock full pool of water, after blowing off silence.
- 满满当当的一池水,放空后的寂静。
- 7. A chock full pool of water, after blowing. Doershow off silence.
- 满满当当的一池水,放空后的寂静。
- 8. My basket is not as chock full of apples as yours, but I have an excuse!
- 你的篮子怎么还没有装满呀?
- 9. She's 79 years old and chock full of 79 years worth of wisdom and life stories.
- 她年届79,有着满满79年的智慧与人生故事。
- 10. Geminis just adore ideas, and the creative Aquarius is chock full of them!
- 双子就是崇拜有思想的人,而创意十足的水瓶座恰恰头脑中满是点子!
- 11. They're chock full of vitamin e, plant sterols, fiber, and heart-healthy fats.
- 杏仁含有维生素e,植物甾醇,纤维素,对心脏有益的脂肪。
- 12. The moon's lunar soil is chock-full of helium reserves, thanks to the solar wind.
- 由于太阳风,月壤充满了氦。
- 13. The good news is that the new syntax is chock full of enhancements to the language.
- 新语法是对语言的完全增强。
- 14. These books are chock full of coupons and will pay for themselves after just a couple of uses.
- 这些书里充斥了优惠券,哪怕用几张,买书的本钱就捞回来了。
- 15. Chocolate is chock full of potent antioxidants called phenols, the same as those found in wine.
- 巧克力富含所谓的酚类高效抗氧化剂,与在葡萄酒中发现的相同。
- 16. Moreover, the Internet is chock full of educational products intended to boost children's self-esteem.
- 此外,网络上充斥着益智产品,这些产品试图提升孩子们的自尊心。
- 17. But they've also been highly educational years, chock-full of useful lessons I will carry with me the rest of my life.
- 但是他们也高度评价了这受教育的几年。我的余生将被塞满有用的课程。
- 18. Magazines devoted to home management, such as Good Housekeeping and Family Circle, are chock-full of scrumptious selections.
- 一般理家杂志,如“好管家”及“家庭圈”都满满地刊载很多美味的精选食谱。
- 19. The thirty-eight books in the Professional Computing Series are chock full of technical details on focused areas of computer science.
- 专业计算系列中的38本书籍充满了着重于计算机科学领域中的技术细节问题。
- 20. Futurologists at Deloitte, a consultancy, reckon the "medical home", chock full of new medical devices, wi be a reality within five years.
- 咨询公司德勤的预言家估计置满医疗设备的“医疗家庭”五年内就能实现。
- 21. In April 2001, the scientists published in the journal tissue Engineering their discovery that adipose tissue is chock-full of stem cells.
- 2001年4月,科学家们在《组织工程》(Tissue Engineering)发表了研究报告,宣布脂肪组织中充满了多能干细胞。
- 22. Enter C-Ville, a quirky and irreverent interactive world, chock full of choice and focused on the education and prevention of youth tobacco.
- 输入c -威乐,一个诡异的互动性和不敬的世界里,满满满的选择和对青年的教育和烟草预防为重点。
- 23. And only this month it was discovered, by looking at the beads in an electron microscope, that they are chock full of diamonds a micron or less across.
- 就在本月,通过电子显微镜观察颗粒发现,这些颗粒上嵌满了直径一微米或更小的钻石微粒。
- 24. Last year, NASA smacked a spent Centaur rocket into a Shadowed lunar crater and blew out the first definite signs that the moon is chock-full of water.
- 去年,美国航空航天局利用服役到期的半人马座火箭撞击一个阴影区的月球陨坑,轰出第一个明确的迹象-月球内部充满了水。
- 25. Last year, NASA smacked a spent Centaur rocket into a Shadowed lunar crater and blew out the first definite signs that the moon is chock-full of water.
- 去年,美国航空航天局利用服役到期的半人马座火箭撞击一个阴影区的月球陨坑,轰出第一个明确的迹象-月球内部充满了水。