- 1. They feel invisible, so they cede responsibility.
- 他们觉得别人查不到自己,所以就置责任义务于不顾。
- 2. The debater refused to cede the point to her opponent.
- 辩论者拒绝向她的对手放弃其主张。
- 3. And they'll have to cede some control to the TiVos of the world.
- 他们必须放弃对TiVo世界的一些控制。
- 4. America was reluctant to cede any legal power to a supranational authority.
- 美国方面不愿将法律权利交付给某种超国家权威。
- 5. Despite all this, it still seems too early to cede America's future to the Lone Star state.
- 尽管这样,现在就把美国的未来让给孤星之舟还为之尚早。
- 6. It is a hint that Mr Ozawa, at least for the time being, has agreed to cede some authority.
- 这暗示着小泽,至少是暂时,同意转交一部分权力。
- 7. Mice are not smart animals, but I cede a grudging respect at being outwitted in this manner.
- 鼠辈并非机敏动物,但在这件事上其智商在我之上倒也让我佩服。
- 8. America wants to cede overall control as soon as it has carried out the bulk of the initial bombing.
- 最初的大轰炸结束后,美国就想交出主控权。
- 9. But the Ruhr is split into 53 municipalities, many of them reluctant to cede power or share resources.
- 但是鲁尔区被分了53个自治市,其中很大一部分都不情愿让出权力或者共享资源。
- 10. This second step will be awkward, because votes cannot be taken from members that do not want to cede them.
- 第二步会比较麻烦,因为投票权并不能从那些不愿放弃他们的成员那里拿过来。
- 11. Ultimately, the rise of Asia may force the West to cede power, but it is not going to do so gracefully.
- 最终,亚洲崛起可能会逼迫西方交出大权,但西方绝不会大大方方的这样去做。
- 12. ECOWAS has threatened to remove Mr. Gbagbo by force if he does not cede power to rival Alassane Ouattara.
- 西非国家经济共同体威胁要通过武力将巴博赶下台,如果他不把权力交给他的对手瓦塔拉。
- 13. The tablet is symbolic of Amazon's remarkable ability to adapt and reluctance to cede the future to anyone.
- 平板电脑象征着亚马逊极强的适应能力以及力图将未来向所有人敞开的雄心。
- 14. Germany and Japan need to cede to the emerging economies industries in which they are no longer competitive.
- 德国与日本应将不再具有竞争力的行业让给新兴经济体。
- 15. At the same time the Fed and the three other regulators would cede their consumer-protection duties to a new body.
- 同时,保护消费者这个原由美联储和另外三个监管机构会承担的责任,也将由唯一一家新机构负责。
- 16. In 2007 a law was passed obliging all white - and foreign-owned companies to "cede" a 51% stake to black Zimbabweans.
- 2007年通过了一部法律,要求所有白人以及外资公司必须将自己51%的股筹割让给津巴布韦黑人。
- 17. Falling Kidnapping Rates and the Expansion of Mobile Phone in Colombia, Documentos CEDE No 32, Universidad DE los Andes.
- 哥伦比亚绑架案件比率下降与移动电话的普及,DocumentosCEDE No32,安地斯大学。
- 18. However, because virtual application patterns encapsulate so many actions, you do cede some control to Workload Deployer.
- 但是,由于虚拟应用程序模式封装了如此多操作,您的确需要向Workload Deployer转让部分控制权。
- 19. Mr Clinton was thrilled to hear in 1993 that the former general was willing to cede the Golan Heights for peace with Syria.
- 在1993年,克林顿害怕听到拉宾这位前将军愿意为了与叙利亚的和平放弃戈兰高地。
- 20. Party member Robert Moute says elders need to cede top positions to younger members and support them without suffocating them.
- 莫特说,年老的成员需要把高层职位让给年轻的一辈,要支持他们,不要压制他们。
- 21. A country with an uncompetitive exchange rate will struggle to sell its wares abroad and will also cede its home market to foreign firms.
- 一个汇率没有竞争力的国家,则会难以向国外出售他的商品,也不得不割让本国市场给外国公司。
- 22. Progress on such a scheme is always likely to stall because euro-zone countries are reluctant to cede any control of their public finances.
- 由于欧元区国家不愿意放弃对公共财政的控制权,EMF这一类构想通常很难取得进展。
- 23. It is still just possible, some people reckon, that the journalists will refuse to cede power, forcing the group to seek bankruptcy protection.
- 一些人估计新闻记者们也可能将拒绝交出权力,并将逼迫这个集团寻求破产保护。
- 24. In addition, Banks must publish bonus policies, and trading-floor chiefs will cede control over bonuses to board-level remuneration committees.
- 此外,银行必须公开其奖励政策,交易场地负责人的奖金控制权也需要交给董事级别的薪酬委员会。
- 25. All of these freedoms imply not only an end to feudalism, but also the willingness of the sovereign state to cede such power to non-state actors.
- 所有这些自由不仅意味着封建制度的结束,而且也意味着主权国家愿意将这样的权力转让给非国家行为体。
- 26. For all the grand rhetoric, no politician is proposing to cede sovereignty to a global regulator, let alone create a true global lender of last resort.
- 尽管他们都慷慨陈词,但是没有那个政客会把自己的权力割让给全球监管者,更别说创造一个真正的国际借款机构以作为最后的屏障了。
- 27. For all the grand rhetoric, no politician is proposing to cede sovereignty to a global regulator, let alone create a true global lender of last resort.
- 尽管他们都慷慨陈词,但是没有那个政客会把自己的权力割让给全球监管者,更别说创造一个真正的国际借款机构以作为最后的屏障了。