- 1. To strengthen the exploitation and utilization of cattail plant resources in environmental protection would create huge market potential.
- 加强香蒲植物资源在环保方面的开发利用,具有巨大的市场潜力。
- 2. One cattail leaf fan can be used to cool the air.
- 一个香蒲叶风扇可用于冷却空气。
- 3. A breeze would come to you from time to time as if God was shaking a cattail leaf fan in the distance.
- 微风不时地吹向你,仿佛神在远处摇着一把蒲扇。
- 4. During the winter, wet areas may provide an excellent insulating material in the form of cattail fluff and reeds.
- 在冬季,潮湿地区可以提供一种优良的、蒲草和芦苇形式的绝缘材料。
- 5. Not just one, but two cattail leaf fans!
- 而且一拿还是两把!
- 6. Where Bo Zhou City has buying a cattail yellow?
- 亳州哪里有收购蒲黄的?。
- 7. A plant, such as an iris or a cattail, that has long, sword-shaped leaves.
- 鸢尾,香蒲:一种有长的剑形叶子的植物,例如鸢尾植物或香蒲。
- 8. From ancient times, the Indians, compiled by cattail boat or raft, the lake fishing.
- 从远古起,印第安人用香蒲编成小舟或筏子,下湖捕鱼。
- 9. During the winter wet areas may provide an excellent insulating material in the form of cattail fluff and reeds.
- 在冬季潮湿的地区也可以搞到一些良好的绝缘绒毛的香蒲,芦苇形式的材料。
- 10. The third blind man touched the elephant 's legs: " unlike the short stick, unlike the big cattail leaf fan, like a thick and straight."
- 第三个盲人摸到了大象的腿:“不像短棒子,也不像大蒲扇,倒像是一根又粗又直的柱子。”
- 11. Under the foreign exchange cattail, there are still two markets a black market and en called ndf market, while three marks have great differences.
- 摘要在外汇管制的条件下,与我国正式外汇市场并存的还包括境内的外汇黑市和境外的人民币远期不交割合约市场。
- 12. Conclusion: Modified Cattail Pollen Decoction has fairly good clinical therapeutic effects in the treatment of different types of ocular fundus hemorrhage.
- 结论:生蒲黄汤加减治疗各类眼底出血均具有较好的临床疗效。
- 13. Other material collecting and processing: other materials including bamboo, flax, coir, palm, palm leaf, corn hulls, mat grass, cattail stem and float glass .
- 其他材料的收集和处理:其他材料包括竹、麻、蓑草、棕、棕榈叶、玉米皮、席草、蒲草、麦秆、水草等材料。
- 14. There were rich cattail plant resources in China, but its utilization and exploitation weren't regarded, especially the utilization in environmental protection.
- 我国香蒲植物资源丰富,但对其开发利用重视不够,尤其在环境保护方面的利用极少,资源优势尚未转化为环境优势和经济优势。
- 15. To strengthen the exploitation and utilization of cattail plant resources in environmental protection would create huge market potential and environmental and economic benefits.
- 加强香蒲植物资源在环保方面的开发利用,具有巨大的市场潜力和较好的环境效益、经济效益。
- 16. To strengthen the exploitation and utilization of cattail plant resources in environmental protection would create huge market potential and environmental and economic benefits.
- 加强香蒲植物资源在环保方面的开发利用,具有巨大的市场潜力和较好的环境效益、经济效益。