- 1. They were finally forced to capitulate to the terrorists' demands.
- 他们最后被迫屈从恐怖分子的要求。
- 2. The enemy was warned to capitulate or face annihilation.
- 敌人受到警告,要么投降,要么全部被歼灭。
- 3. The whole course of my life proves that I never capitulate.
- 我的全部生活历程证明我是从来不曾投降过。
- 4. The appealing tone of Ishmasl Young's voice made Collins capitulate.
- 伊斯梅尔·杨恳求的口吻使柯林斯让步了。
- 5. Neither wants to appear to capitulate, given that both face significant internal challenges.
- 考虑到双方都面对巨大的国内挑战,因此他们似乎将会屈服于舆论影响。
- 6. When Suchet says:--"Capitulate,"--Palafox replies: "After the war with cannon, the war with knives."
- 当絮歇说:“投降!” 帕拉福克斯回答:“炮战后拼刺。”
- 7. It was a fair point. The besieged Colonel's rants against the West have evidenced no desire to capitulate.
- 很明显的一点,身处困境的卡扎菲将军与西方国家交火激烈,并没有准备投降的意愿。
- 8. Right now, it's fighting the Canadians, who are holding out for preferred stock in the new entity before they capitulate.
- 目前它正同加拿大人作战,因为后者坚持在这个新领域购买喜欢的股票并拒绝投降。
- 9. "It takes a while for sellers, whether in new development or resales, to capitulate to sudden changes in the market," he said.
- “无论是新房还是二手房的卖家,都要花一点儿时间才能接受市场的突然变化,”他说。
- 10. The cheap prices of commodities are the heavy artillery with which it forces the barbarians' intensely obstinate hatred of foreigners to capitulate.
- 它的商品的低廉价格,是它用来摧毁一切万里长城、征服野蛮人最顽强的仇外心理的重炮。
- 11. Sometimes the problem isn't faulty data. We have an accurate picture of ourselves or a situation, but we capitulate the first time someone challenges us.
- 有时候,错误的信息不是问题,而是我们对自己或处境要有一个正确的判断。但是,别人一旦质疑,我们就屈从了。
- 12. If the generaltendency is for buying to beget more buying and selling to precipitate moreselling, investors must fight the tendency to capitulate to market forces.
- 投资者们如果发现整体的趋势是大家都在盲目地跟风买入或卖出,那么他们一定要抵挡住这股趋势才行。 。
- 13. If the generaltendency is for buying to beget more buying and selling to precipitate moreselling, investors must fight the tendency to capitulate to market forces.
- 投资者们如果发现整体的趋势是大家都在盲目地跟风买入或卖出,那么他们一定要抵挡住这股趋势才行。 。