- 1. The production of these cancerous cells suppresses the production of normal white blood cells.
- 这些癌细胞的产生抑制了正常白血球的生成。
- 2. The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.
- 癌细胞的繁殖和生长可通过放射线辐射加以抑制。
- 3. The conscience of the nation is appeased, while the population continues to puff its way to smoky, cancerous death.
- 国人的良知得到了安抚,而民众却继续在烟熏火燎、癌变中死去。
- 4. The neurons cultivated at Johns Hopkins—unlike those culled from tumors are not cancerous, and accordingly are much more valuable as research tools.
- 在约翰霍普金斯大学培养的神经元不同于那些从肿瘤中挑选出来的神经元,它们并没有癌变,因此作为研究工具更具价值。
- 5. For example, an excess of certain proteins can cause cells to proliferate abnormally and become cancerous; a lack of the protein insulin results in diabetes.
- 例如,某些蛋白质的过量会导致细胞异常增殖并癌变;胰岛素蛋白质的缺乏会导致糖尿病。
- 6. This type of surgery could even be used to extract cancerous growths.
- 这类外科手术甚至可以用来摘除恶性肿瘤。
- 7. She must excise every scrap of cancerous tissue.
- 她必须切除每一片癌变的组织。
- 8. So why not treat regular non-cancerous cells with telomerase?
- 我们是否可以试着用端粒酶来处理正常的非癌细胞呢?
- 9. Many of these genes have been found by looking at cancerous cells.
- 许多这样的基因是通过观察癌细胞才被发现的。
- 10. The United States has about ten thousand new cancerous gliomas a year.
- 美国每年大约新增1万名胶质瘤患者。
- 11. This is important because undifferentiated cells carry risk of turning cancerous.
- 能不能完全区别非常重要,因为非分化细胞带有癌变的可能。
- 12. But this process then kills the cell which should mean it cannot become cancerous.
- 但这一过程随后会杀死该细胞,这意味着它是不可能发生癌变的。
- 13. Conscious and unconscious racism is indeed widespread and cancerous in the country.
- 有意识的或无意识的种族主义的确像癌细胞一样在整个国家内扩散。
- 14. Though lumps are not all malignant, or cancerous, early discovery is always an advantage.
- 尽管“块煤”并不一定是恶性或癌性的,但尽早发现总归是件好事。
- 15. A cell becomes cancerous when the genes that stop runaway growth are sabotaged by mutations.
- 我们知道,当阻止生长失控的基因遭到突变的破坏之后,细胞就会产生癌变。
- 16. Within a two weeks, melanoma was confirmed by the hospital and the cancerous mole was removed.
- 两周后,这便被医院确诊是(恶性)黑素瘤,很快,这颗能致癌的痣被去除了。
- 17. Early one morning in 2004, a scanrevealed a cancerous tumor on his pancreas: a death sentence.
- 2004年的一天清晨,一个扫描显示,在他的胰脏部位有一个癌症肿瘤:乔布斯几乎就被判了死刑。
- 18. You tackle your problems objectively, like a surgeon removing cancerous matter from an open body.
- 你客观地处理你的问题,就像外科医生从打开的身体中去除癌组织。
- 19. The research team carried out tests on 24 rats with pre-cancerous tumours in laboratory conditions.
- 研究人员用24只小鼠进行了试验。
- 20. Those tiny black dots are nanobots delivering a lethal blow to a cancerous cell, effectively killing it.
- 图中的小黑点就是给癌细胞以致命打击,有效杀死癌细胞的纳米机器人。
- 21. Having canceled X-ray scan, the cancerous candidate on the canvas ate the idle candles in the candy can.
- 取消X线扫描后,帆布上的癌症候选人吃了糖果罐里的闲置蜡烛。
- 22. Origer walked his daughter down the aisle last fall, only a small cancerous spot remained visible in his liver.
- 到去年秋天origer先生与他女儿相伴走过走廊,只有一个癌性的小点可在他的肝脏上见到。
- 23. Unfortunately, cancerous cells look a lot like healthy cells, making it hard for those T-cells to spot a problem.
- 不幸的是,癌性的细胞和健康细胞外表看起来实在太相像了,让那些T细胞很难发现其中(癌性细胞)有问题。
- 24. This phenomenon could potentially be used to distinguish cancerous cells from healthy cells, claim the researchers.
- 研究者称这个现象可以用来分辨癌细胞和健康细胞。
- 25. For acquired diseases, such as cancer, gene-therapy trials are introducing genes that are intended to kill cancerous cells.
- 对于后天性的疾病,比如癌症,基因治疗试验是通过引入可以杀死癌细胞的基因。
- 26. Another result of sun damage, they can become cancerous if not removed, so see your doc ASAP if you think you may have one.
- 而由于日光照射可能导致的另一个结果就是,如果不去除它们很可能致癌,所以,如果你觉得你可能有这种情况,尽快去看医生。
- 27. T cells seek out and destroy new cancerous cells with the matching protein signature, while leaving healthy cells [green] alone.
- t细胞找出并摧毁匹配蛋白特征的新癌细胞,而同时留下健康细胞[绿色]。
- 28. T cells seek out and destroy new cancerous cells with the matching protein signature, while leaving healthy cells [green] alone.
- t细胞找出并摧毁匹配蛋白特征的新癌细胞,而同时留下健康细胞[绿色]。