- 1. Alan looked at him and said calmly, "I don't believe you."
- 艾伦看着他,平静地说,“我不相信你。”
- 2. The wise man replied calmly.
- 智者平静地回答。
- 3. "There it is," said Peter calmly.
- “就是它。”彼得平静地说。
- 4. If I calmly pocket the abuse, I'll be laughed at.
- 如果我平静地忍受这种辱骂,我会被耻笑的。
- 5. Choking back my anger, I tried to speak calmly with my parents.
- 我强忍住怒火,尽量平静地和父母说话。
- 6. Waving good-by to them, Pinocchio and Geppetto calmly went on their way.
- 皮诺乔和杰佩托向他们挥手告别,平静地上路了。
- 7. "So am I," said Colin calmly, but not without an air of some satisfaction.
- “我也是。”科林平静地说,但带着几分得意。
- 8. Only when we react to emergencies in life calmly, can we solve problems in a better way.
- 只有当我们冷静应对紧急状况时,我们才能更好地解决问题。
- 9. Dr. Fine found that they could be more easily taught how to behave calmly if allowed to hold their pet gerbil.
- 费恩博士发现,如果允许患病儿童拿着他们的宠物沙鼠,就可以很简单地教会他们如何表现平静。
- 10. He looked at me calmly, and said, "See, grandmother is crying!" One day, you'll understand that it's harder to be kind than clever.
- 他平静地看着我说:“看,祖母在哭!”总有一天,你会明白,善良比聪明更难。
- 11. At first, I thought the challenge would be to train her to sit, to heel, to walk calmly beside us and not go wildly chasing the neighborhood rabbits.
- 一开始,我以为挑战在于训练它坐下、跟在我们后面、安静地走在我们身边,而不是疯狂地追逐附近的兔子。
- 12. 'I'll call the doctor,' he said calmly.
- “我去请医生。”他镇定地说。
- 13. She argued her case calmly and rationally.
- 她冷静而又理智地为她的情况辩解。
- 14. The Japanese have acted calmly and deliberately.
- 那些日本人表现得镇定且从容。
- 15. We tried to discuss the matter calmly and reasonably.
- 我们试图冷静且通情达理地来讨论这个问题。
- 16. The gunmen calmly walked away and escaped in a waiting car.
- 枪手镇定地走开,抽身钻进一辆等待的汽车。
- 17. Everyone must think this situation through calmly and coolly.
- 每个人必须冷静沉着地考虑当前形势。
- 18. She took it calmly at first but under the surface was seething.
- 她起初处之泰然,但内心却是气呼呼的。
- 19. She felt a wave of panic, but forced herself to leave the room calmly.
- 她感到一阵惊慌,但是强迫自己镇静地离开了房间。
- 20. The last thing I saw was Don's face, looking calmly back at me.
- 我最后看到的是唐的脸,他平静地看着我。
- 21. When asked by reporters on how to deal with difficulties, Xu calmly said, "Patience."
- 当被记者问及如何应对困难时,徐平静地说:“耐心。”
- 22. The parrot calmly stepped out onto Jessie's arms and said: "I am very sorry about my rude language and actions."
- 鹦鹉冷静地走了出来,跳到杰西的手臂上,说:“对于我粗鲁的语言和行为我很抱歉。”
- 23. After he finished his dinner, the panda stood up, calmly pulled out a gun which he had hidden, and fired into the air.
- 当他吃完饭后,这只熊猫站了起来,平静地拿出了他藏起来的枪,对着天空开了一枪。
- 24. Explain your frustrations calmly and sensibly.
- 请理智,平静地地解释你的懊恼之处。
- 25. I walked the cellar from one end to another calmly.
- 我若无其事地从地窖这头走到那头。
- 26. Calmly, he reached his snake stick and the viper soon joined his companion in the bag.
- 他镇定地伸出他的捕蛇棒,蝰蛇很快就加入他的同伴进了袋子。
- 27. Peter issued from the powder magazine with the shell in his hands, and calmly flung it overboard.
- 彼得从火药箱里出来,手里拿着炮弹,不慌不忙地把它扔到海里。
- 28. The picture he paints of Africa-- a leopard calmly surveying the world from its grassy hillock-- is cliché enough.
- 他描绘非洲的图画——一头豹子从它的草冈上平静地窥视着世界——已经够老套了。
- 29. You'd better reason things out with him calmly.
- 你最好心平气和地同他讲理。
- 30. Speak calmly if you think you're in the right; there's no need to get angry.
- 有理慢慢儿说,何必发脾气。