- 1. Tony is very cagey about his family.
- 托尼对自己家的事讳莫如深。
- 2. He is cagey about what he was paid for the business.
- 他遮遮掩掩的,不愿说出在这桩生意中挣了多少。
- 3. Don't be cagey or vague in headlines.
- 不要在标题上小心谨慎和含糊不清。
- 4. He is very cagey about his plans.
- 他对他的计划很谨慎。
- 5. He's very cagey about his family.
- 他对他家庭的事守口如瓶。
- 6. The six months of talks were cagey and difficult.
- 六个月的对话是谨慎而艰难的。
- 7. The old hermit was very cagey about her past life.
- 老隐士对自己过去的生活守口如瓶。
- 8. Bruno is petty cagey. You have to keep an eye on him.
- 布鲁诺相当狡猾。你是提防着他一点儿。
- 9. He remained cagey as to whether he would let Parker leave.
- 谈到是否愿意让帕克离开时他出言谨慎。
- 10. Even in the long "description" I wrote, I'm being very cagey.
- 甚至在我写的那篇“简介”中,其实我都是很守口如瓶的。
- 11. The Banks have even grown cagey about lending to each other.
- 银行已经更加谨慎的把资金相互转借。
- 12. But beyond this, the Beast of Bentonville is cagey about its plans.
- 但本顿维尔这只野兽对其计划也甚是谨慎小心。
- 13. Federer, 27, was cagey on exactly when the baby is due, saying only in the summer.
- 27岁的费德勒没有透露孩子确切的预产期,只是说在今年夏天。
- 14. Much like the U. S., Canada has been cagey about where it's leaning in terms of the IMF job.
- 和美国很相似的是,加拿大也对此职位朝哪边倾斜显得十分小心谨慎。
- 15. With two sides from the same nation competing for the trophy, it was always likely to be a cagey affair.
- 当两支来自同一个国家的球队竞争奖杯的时候,往往会是一场小心翼翼的决斗。
- 16. He had no other local friends, and he was cagey about his past, although certain details emerged over time.
- 他在本地没有朋友,也不愿意谈论自己的过去,但时间久了也难免透露出一些。
- 17. Bak is cagey about Chrome's performance compared with rivals because it depends on which benchmarks are used.
- 贝克在对Chrome与竞争对手进行比较时出言谨慎,因为这取决于采用什么样的比较基准。
- 18. In a pressed, blue button-down shirt and pleated dark slacks, he cracks open pistachios, contemplative but cagey.
- 福山身着熨帖的蓝色衬衣,带褶的深色便裤,他掰着开心果,深思而谨慎。
- 19. Brick.He had no other local friends, and he was cagey about his past, although certain details emerged over time.
- 他在本地没有朋友,也不愿意谈论自己的过去,但时间久了也难免透露出一些。
- 20. Don't be cagey or vague in headlines. It'll just make people skip the story. Use keywords and clear language in headlines.
- 文章的标题能描述文章内容的。不要在标题上小心谨慎和含糊不清。这只能使人们跳过它。在标题里使用关键字和清晰的语言描述。
- 21. Synthetic Genomics itself is a bit cagey about exactly which molecular products it is working on, but one of Dr Venter's interests is in using modified bacteria to make fuels.
- 合成染色体公司对该公司具体在研究哪种分子产品讳莫如深,但文特博士的兴趣之一就是利用改造过的细菌生产燃料。
- 22. A handsome, dark-haired Irish actor with an intense screen presence, Colin Farrell shot to fame in the USA as a cagey army recruit with a penchant for troublemaking in Tigerland (2000).
- 科林·法雷尔是一名有着深色头发的爱尔兰演员,相貌英俊,银幕气质非凡。凭借在《虎地恋战》(2000)中饰演精明却又喜欢捣乱的新兵一角,法雷尔在美国一举成名。
- 23. He is cagey about how exactly he escaped. But he says he used a cellphone camera to record virtually every step of his journey, and will soon go public with the pictures and his commentary.
- 他十分小心避免透露逃脱的细节,但说用手机上的照相机记录下了全过程,将很快公开这些照片并加上自己的解说词。
- 24. According to what was said yesterday, the company will support "mass storage devices" (think USB flash drives and digital cameras) but were cagey on how they plan on offering printing support.
- 根据昨天的说法,Google会支持“大量存储设备”(据信包括usb闪存驱动以及数码相机),但是值得注意的是,它们如何计划提供打印支持。
- 25. According to what was said yesterday, the company will support "mass storage devices" (think USB flash drives and digital cameras) but were cagey on how they plan on offering printing support.
- 根据昨天的说法,Google会支持“大量存储设备”(据信包括usb闪存驱动以及数码相机),但是值得注意的是,它们如何计划提供打印支持。