- 1. I fell victim to the office bully.
- 我成了这个办公室霸王欺负的对象。
- 2. I wasn't going to let him bully me.
- 我可不会让他欺负我。
- 3. Damn you! I'm not going to let you bully me.
- 你这个浑蛋!我决不让你欺负我。
- 4. He could alternately bully and charm people.
- 他能时而欺负人,时而吸引人。
- 5. Our maths teacher was a bully and a complete barbarian.
- 我们的数学老师是个恶霸,十足的野蛮人。
- 6. He has been variously described as a hero, a genius and a bully.
- 他被描述为英雄、天才、恶霸,不一而足。
- 7. It was a classic of interrogation: first the bully, then the kind one who offers sympathy.
- 这是审问的一种典范:开始是欺负人的人,然后那个和善的人再施予同情。
- 8. The attackers were said to be taking revenge on the 14-year-old, claiming he was a school bully.
- 攻击者被称是在报复一名14岁男孩,称他是学校一霸。
- 9. "Don't desert me, bully," he whispered hoarsely to it.
- “不要抛弃我,你这个恶霸。”他嗓音沙哑地低声说。
- 10. If I had been there, I would not have let him bully you.
- 如果当时我在场,我就不会让他欺负你。
- 11. They fear that local students would look down upon and bully their children.
- 他们担心当地的学生会看不起和欺负他们的孩子。
- 12. He was branded an unfeeling bully.
- 他被打上了无同情心的坏蛋的标签。
- 13. Don't let them bully you. Fight back!
- 别让他们欺侮你。要还击!
- 14. 'He's a bully!' the little boy burst out.
- “他仗势欺人!”小男孩突然大叫。
- 15. She used to bully me into doing my schoolwork.
- 她过去总逼我做作业。
- 16. Let the bully have a taste of his own medicine.
- 让那个恶棍得到报应吧。
- 17. He's got a job in New York? Well, bully for him!
- 他在纽约找到了份工作?哼,那没什么了不起!
- 18. The group have frequently used bully-boy tactics.
- 那个团伙常常耍流氓。
- 19. His personality changed. He turned into a big bully.
- 他性格变了,成了一个大坏蛋。
- 20. He used the bully pulpit of the presidency very effectively.
- 他非常有效地利用了总统职位这一扩大影响力的工具。
- 21. The aggression of a bully leaves people feeling hurt, angry and impotent.
- 恶棍的挑衅让人感到受伤、愤怒而又无力。
- 22. We think an attempt to bully them into submission would be counterproductive.
- 我们认为威逼他们屈服的尝试可能会适得其反。
- 23. It's the bully who has the problem.
- 问题出在霸凌者身上。
- 24. Ignore the bully. Don't even look him.
- 忽视霸凌者。甚至别看他。
- 25. I couldn't believe that it was Roger, a bully in my eyes.
- 我简直无法相信那是罗杰,我眼中的恃强凌弱者。
- 26. He was three years older than me and he always wanted to bully me.
- 他比我大三岁,总想欺负我。
- 27. Think of the worst things that a bully can say to you, and then let the fog eat them up.
- 想想霸凌者能对你说的最坏的话,然后让雾气把它们吞掉。
- 28. If the bullying happens at school, make sure your parents discuss it with school leaders, not with the parents of the bully.
- 如果在学校发生霸凌,确保你的父母与学校领导商讨这件事,而不是与霸凌者的父母。
- 29. Oh, this is bully, you know.
- 哦,这太棒了,你知道的。
- 30. Maybe the bully wants you to explode.
- 也许那个恶霸想让你生气。