- 1. Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog?
- 你是不是宁愿当一只牛蛙?
- 2. A bullfrog was croaking in the distance.
- 一只牛蛙在远处呱呱地叫。
- 3. A big bunch of bullfrog eggs float in the pond.
- 一大堆牛蛙的卵在池塘上。
- 4. Tell that to the bullfrog, chicken hawk or turtledove.
- 把这件事告诉牛蛙、猎鸡鹰和斑鸠。
- 5. Splash! A big-eyed, bulging bullfrog plops into a pond.
- “扑通”,一只眼睛又大又突的牛蛙跳进池塘里。
- 6. The expert returns a proposal, this bullfrog had better not edible.
- 专家还建议,此牛蛙最好不要食用。
- 7. A mouse looks out from the jaws of a huge voracious African bullfrog.
- 一只老鼠从一只贪婪的非洲大牛蛙的巨口里向外张望。
- 8. The bullfrog is most common in the Southern part of the United States.
- 在牛蛙最常见的是在南部的美国。
- 9. Spectacular captures of the American Bullfrog preying on an unlucky sparrow.
- 本系列图片非常难得的捕捉到了美洲牛蛙猎杀麻雀的画面。
- 10. When a Tauren gets hexed and turned into a frog, does that make him a bullfrog ?
- 当一个牛头人被变成了青蛙,会不会是“牛蛙”?。
- 11. I don't know, "said the bullfrog, who had been silent all through the deliberations."
- “我不知道,”牛蛙说,在整个讨论中他都保持着沉默。
- 12. I am Gamataro, from Osaka, the oldest son of Lord Bullfrog, Prince of the Lotus-Ditch.
- 我叫蒲太郎,来自大阪,是牛蛙公爵的长子,莲花池的王子。
- 13. One day as I was passing the Panchavati on my way to the pine-grove, I heard a bullfrog croaking.
- 一天,我在前往松树林的路上途经了潘切瓦提,我听见一只牛蛙在嘎嘎地叫。
- 14. Mr Chen says, he wants to know this bullfrog but in order to eat, whether to have research value.
- 陈先生说,他想知道这只牛蛙可不可以吃,是否有研究价值。
- 15. Method The experiment was carried out in freshly isolated bullfrog using a whole-cell patch-clamp technique.
- 方法实验采用的方法是全细胞膜片钳技术,实验材料为急性分离的牛蛙背根神经节神经元。
- 16. You will have no direct persistent counters to these, and a bullfrog can make short work of your burst drones.
- 你将没有直接的延续抗击才具,而一个牛蛙不妨让你爆裂无人机的战术搁置。
- 17. The invasion of bullfrog has become one of the main factors leading to population decline and extinction of some native amphibians.
- 牛蛙的入侵已成为一些本地两栖类种群数量下降或灭绝的主要因素之一。
- 18. A team led by Professor Kim Se-kwon of Pukyong University in Busan says it isolated a peptide with antioxidant properties from bullfrog skin.
- 釜山釜庆大学金胜勋教授领导的研究小组称,他们从牛蛙的皮肤中分离出了一种具有抗氧化特性的生化肽。
- 19. The main products comprise premium feeds for EEL, turtle, bullfrog, shrimp, crab, sturgeon, and snack feeds for pet fishes, pets, and baits.
- 主要经营的产品有鳗鱼、甲鱼、牛蛙、虾、蟹、鲟鱼等高品质的水产饲料以及观赏鱼、宠物、钓饵等休闲食品。
- 20. In the acute isolated bullfrog sciatic nerve, the amplitude, conductivity and refractory period of the action potential were also observed respectively after administration.
- 并在急性分离的牛蛙坐骨神经干上,观察龙血竭对坐骨神经动作电位幅值、不应期和传导速度的影响。
- 21. In the presence of Dragon's Blood, the action potential amplitude of the bullfrog sciatic nerve was decreased, the conduction velocity was slowered and the refractory period was delayed.
- 牛蛙坐骨神经滴加龙血竭后,神经干动作电位幅值明显下降,不应期延长,传导速度减慢。
- 22. This distribution pattern of GABA-IR in the bullfrog retina suggests that GABAmay play an important role in transmission and modulation of visual signals in both the outer and inner retina.
- 上述结果表明,GABA广泛分布于牛蛙视网膜的各层,提示它在视觉信号的传递过程中发挥着重要作用。
- 23. Conclusion: Taken the in vitro abdominal skin of bullfrog as the permeation model, some similarities were revealed between in vitro percutaneous permeation of paeonol and mucosal adsorption.
- 结论:以离体牛蛙腹皮为渗透模型,丹皮酚的体外渗透性质与黏膜吸收的特点有相似性。
- 24. Everybody riddle soul relentless time had the answer finally in the lens, who did our kingfisher meet misfortune it to regard a large bullfrog a small fish to know has fallen in bullfrog's trap, ya!
- 正在大伙谜魂不解的时候在镜头里终于有了答案,我们的翠鸟落难了它把一只肥大的牛蛙当成一条小鱼谁知落入了牛蛙的陷阱中,哎!
- 25. Everybody riddle soul relentless time had the answer finally in the lens, who did our kingfisher meet misfortune it to regard a large bullfrog a small fish to know has fallen in bullfrog's trap, ya!
- 正在大伙谜魂不解的时候在镜头里终于有了答案,我们的翠鸟落难了它把一只肥大的牛蛙当成一条小鱼谁知落入了牛蛙的陷阱中,哎!