- 1. The rebellion was brutally suppressed.
- 起义遭到了残酷的镇压。
- 2. They began by brutally persecuting the Catholic Church.
- 他们以残酷迫害天主教会作为开始。
- 3. It seems to be a law in the technology industry that leading companies eventually lose their positions, often quickly and brutally.
- 在科技行业似乎有一条规律,即领先企业最终往往会迅速而残酷地失去它们的地位。
- 4. He was brutally assaulted.
- 他遭到毒打。
- 5. The talks had been brutally frank.
- 那些谈话不留情面地坦率。
- 6. Let me be brutally frank about this.
- 让我把这件事无情地挑明说吧。
- 7. Her real parents had been brutally murdered.
- 她的亲生父母已被残暴地杀害了。
- 8. A young woman was brutally raped in her own home.
- 一个年轻妇女在自己家中被粗暴地强奸了。
- 9. The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.
- 该作品文笔痛快地犀利和极端地幽默。
- 10. He bundled the old lady into her hallway and brutally attacked her.
- 他把老太太推进她家门厅里,并且野蛮地袭击了她。
- 11. That issue is presented starkly and brutally by Bob Graham and David Cairns.
- 那个问题被鲍勃·格雷厄姆和戴维·凯恩斯冷酷无情地提了出来。
- 12. There was a brutally enforced dress code, which required women to be covered from head to toe.
- 曾有着严格的着装规定,要求女士从头到脚都要裹紧。
- 13. The Serbs brutally murdered many of the men.
- 塞尔维亚人残忍地谋杀了许多人。
- 14. Why do they always accuse us so brutally?
- 为什么他们这么粗暴地指责我们?
- 15. My reduce implementation is brutally simple.
- 我的reduce实现非常简单。
- 16. Though brutally mistreated, slaves were not cheap.
- 虽然遭受残酷虐待,黑奴并不便宜。
- 17. If anyone's brutally honest, that's the way they feel.
- 如果一个人非常诚实,那他就会有那种感觉。
- 18. Its chief financial officer was brutally honest to analysts.
- 瑞银的首席财务官对分析师展现出了有些“残酷”的坦诚。
- 19. At the same time Asa brutally oppressed some of the people.
- 那时亚撒也虐待一些人民。
- 20. In 1976 she was brutally attacked while on holiday in Waikiki Hawai 'i.
- 1976年,她在夏威夷怀基基海滩度假时遭到残忍的袭击。
- 21. The shallowness of the summit's achievements has been brutally exposed.
- 首脑会议那些微薄的成果,残忍地暴露出来。
- 22. A brutally honest doctor said that Sandra could drop dead at any time.
- 医生开门见山的说,桑德拉随时可能会死。
- 23. The shallowness of the summit’s achievements has been brutally exposed.
- 这次峰会成果之肤浅已经被暴露在光天化日之下。
- 24. Yet the group has been brutally shoved towards a long-postponed decision.
- 但是这个组织也被无情地推向了一个迟迟没有做出的决定。
- 25. Send the script to at least ten friends and ask them to be brutally honest.
- 将你的手稿发给至少十个朋友,并要求他们非常诚实地提出意见。
- 26. I came across this joke today. It's absolutely hilarious yet brutally true.
- 今天偶然看到一个笑话,虽然是玩笑但非常真实。
- 27. Fortunately, my kids are phasing out of the Wiggles' music. It's brutally catchy!
- 所幸的是,我的小孩正逐渐脱离他们的音乐。
- 28. It looked as if King had offered no resistance when stopped, but was beaten brutally anyway.
- 金似乎在被截住之后始终没有反抗,但他的确是遭到了不分清红皂白的残忍殴打。
- 29. It looked as if King had offered no resistance when stopped, but was beaten brutally anyway.
- 金似乎在被截住之后始终没有反抗,但他的确是遭到了不分清红皂白的残忍殴打。