- 1. On Sundays, there's like an antique market. We call it bric-a-brac.
- 每个星期天,那里就像一个古董市场。我们称之为小古玩。
- 2. You don't have to dig deep here before you stumble upon some ancient bric-a-brac.
- 在这里,只要稍微一挖,就可以发现一些古老的东西。
- 3. You produce on me no effect with your gesture of Hippocrates refusing Artaxerxes' bric-a-brac.
- 你那种希波克拉底①拒绝阿尔塔薛西斯②的破钢烂铁的姿势对我一丁点作用也不起。
- 4. Some pictures, several rugs, a few small pieces of bric-a-brac, and the tale of contents is told.
- 几张画,几块小地毯,还有几件小古玩,这些就是屋里的全部摆设了。
- 5. Skip the bric-a-brac, and only have one or two simple decorations, such as a few flowers in a vase or a Zen garden.
- 你不需要昂贵的装饰,只用一两件简单的饰品装饰就好,比如一个花瓶。
- 6. If they were just showcasing old boots, airsickness bags and fluffy toys then the collection would amount to nothing more than meaningless bric-a-brac.
- 如果他们只是展览旧靴子、晕机呕吐袋或者毛绒玩具,那么这个展览只不过展出一些毫无意义的旧物品。
- 7. The sign now earns hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for the chamber, with its image emblazoned on souvenir hats, shirts, mugs and other bric-a-brac.
- 现在,这个标志每年为委员会赚取成百上千万美元,它的图案出现在纪念帽、衬衫、杯子以及其他一些小装饰品上。
- 8. The set consists only of platforms , scaffolding , cagelike balconies and ratty bric - a - brac , but it extends by catwalks and planks through both levels of the theater.
- 舞台道具不过是些平台、脚手架、笼形阳台,还有耗子出没的老古董,但是通过安装栈道和木板,舞台延伸到整个剧场的两侧。
- 9. The set consists only of platforms , scaffolding , cagelike balconies and ratty bric - a - brac , but it extends by catwalks and planks through both levels of the theater.
- 舞台道具不过是些平台、脚手架、笼形阳台,还有耗子出没的老古董,但是通过安装栈道和木板,舞台延伸到整个剧场的两侧。