- 1. Devout Marxists believed fascism was the "last stand of the bourgeoisie."
- 坚定的马克思主义者曾相信法西斯主义是资产阶级的“最后阵地”。
- 2. They represented the interests of the bourgeoisie.
- 他们代表中产阶级的利益。
- 3. Advocating Petty Bourgeoisie in disguise whitewash.
- 鼓吹小资情调是变相的粉饰太平。
- 4. India's economy is racing ahead and the bourgeoisie is thriving.
- 印度的经济正突飞猛进,中产阶级不断壮大。
- 5. You this pure petty bourgeoisie ah, I put coffee to you to open.
- 你这纯粹的小资啊,我把咖啡给你打开。
- 6. Personally, I am a typical Shanghai woman with some petit bourgeoisie sentiments.
- 个人角度来讲,我是个典型的有点小资情调的上海女人。
- 7. His was a collective hatred, and this film reflects his collective view of the bourgeoisie.
- 他是集体仇恨,这部电影就表达了他对中产阶级的集体观点。
- 8. After all, she was born into the Georgia bourgeoisie, a milieu rarely thought of as action-packed.
- 毕竟,她生于乔治亚州的中产阶级,能有什么壮举呢?
- 9. The authors speculate that the new middle class is not an aspiring bourgeoisie of petty businessmen.
- 作者所估计的是,对于中产阶层来说,他们并不是胸怀大志的习惯处理琐事中产阶级。
- 10. A girl from bourgeoisie discovers the pleasures of banditism, following her lover in his lifestyle.
- 影片讲述了一个年轻女还在历史故事中找到生活意趣的故事……
- 11. Under what conditions does this sale of the labor of the proletarians to the bourgeoisie take place?
- 第五个问题∶无产者是在怎样的条件下把劳动出卖给资产者的?
- 12. BOBO refers to the modern romantic petty bourgeoisie, but also the upper class intellectuals in society.
- BOBO是指有现代浪漫主义的小资,同时也是社会上极高层次的知识分子。
- 13. In other words, the working class have been catching up the bourgeoisie, who have been outpaced by the wealthy.
- 换句话说,工薪阶级在不断追赶中产阶级,而中产阶级的增长步伐落后于富裕阶层。
- 14. In contrast, electric coffee pot is more suitable for Petty Bourgeoisie, and the trouble the young family.
- 相比而言,电动咖啡壶更适合小资情调、又怕麻烦的年轻一族。
- 15. The new bourgeoisie has created an enormous market, even if you ignore wild extrapolations about the future.
- 即使不对未来做粗略的推测,新兴中产阶级已经创造了一个巨大的市场。
- 16. Before I went to this city, one of my friend told me that Lijiang is the most pretty bourgeoisie city in China.
- 在我去那个城市之前,我的一个朋友告诉我,丽江是中国最美丽的中产阶级城市。
- 17. Mahinda, from Hambantota, represents the rural south, the Buddhist provincial bourgeoisie, rather than the urban elite.
- 一位来自汉班托塔的叫做曼达的人表示在他更愿意支持南部乡下的信仰佛教的地方中产阶级,而不是城市精英。
- 18. Li Xiaonuo is angry that he Jiaqi and her petty bourgeoisie wedding was ruined by her mother-in-law's unsmiling face.
- 李小诺愤怒地觉得,她和何家琪的小资婚礼就是被她婆婆一张不高兴的脸给搅掉了。
- 19. Nobody can be sure what direction today's new bourgeoisie of some 2.5 billion people will take if its aspirations are dashed.
- 没有人知道今天全球25亿新布尔乔亚在他们的期望落空之后会有什么样的反应。
- 20. This time it isn't royals imposing rules to tamp down the bourgeoisie, but the middle class creating rules to drag down the wealthy.
- 这次,不是皇室颁布法令压制布尔乔亚们,而是中产阶级制定规则压制富人。
- 21. Gulangyu is a charm, with the petty bourgeoisie encounter a cats and dogs, without maps, lost in the alley, this is the Gulangyu real play.
- 鼓浪屿是有韵味的,用小资的心情邂逅一只猫狗,无需地图,迷失在小巷,这才是鼓浪屿真正的玩法。
- 22. He suddenly remembered that Fan Po-wen had often accused the "vulgar bourgeoisie" of not understanding that sublime and sacred subject Art.
- 范博文向来的议论——伧俗的布尔乔亚不懂得至高至上神圣的艺术云云,倏地又兜上了吴荪甫的记忆。
- 23. The remaining part is to study and describe the image of petty bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie writing in Chinese literature and vogue culture since 1990s.
- 本论文的余论部分旨在考察和描述1990年代以来中国文学和时尚文化中的小资、“小资写作”。
- 24. Rejoice in its unpredictability, in the deluge of goals, in the bravado of Burnley and Birmingham City, in the aristocracy being challenged by the bourgeoisie.
- 欣喜不可预知,它存在于如潮的进球中,存在于伯恩利和伯明翰的张牙舞爪,也存在于中产阶级的揭竿而起。
- 25. If in China, coffee is a Petty Bourgeoisie, the performance of lifestyle, as opposed to France, coffee is definitely all the people involved in civilian activities.
- 如果说在中国,咖啡是一种小资情调,时尚生活的表现,相对于法国,咖啡绝对是全民参与的平民活动。
- 26. Ugliness becomes the core of artistic statement, however, judging ugliness in Western modern art has been regarded as the degeneration and decayed taste of Western bourgeoisie.
- 概括地说,西方现代艺术审丑有三重成因,即文明异化的显影,哲学转向的熏染和艺术内求的裂变。
- 27. This is our own to do in Lijiang of a meal, usually at home cooking has become a burden, in which the enjoyment of cooking has become a kind of a petty bourgeoisie when the mood.
- 这是我们在丽江自己做的一顿饭,平时在家做饭成为一种负担,而在这做饭成为了一种享受一种时小资的情调。
- 28. Marx believed that the middle class, or at least the capital-owning slice of it that he called the bourgeoisie, would always remain a small and privileged minority in modern societies.
- 马克思相信,中产阶级,或者至少他所说的“布尔乔亚”那部分人,将会一直是现代社会中的少数特权集团。
- 29. The space inside the bookstore is uniquely decorated with turquoise wall, cane chairs and white sofas, which is perfect for a cozy afternoon or a slothful intellectual of petty bourgeoisie.
- 室内的装修别具 特色,湖蓝色面,藤椅白沙发,最适合一个懒懒的下午和一个懒懒的小资知识分子。
- 30. “The only hope for stopping extremists is to isolate them from society so that they are separated, so they do not have a relationship with the bourgeoisie and the other classes,” Mr. Thamer said.
- “要遏制极端分子,唯一的希望就是将他们与社会隔绝,把他们孤立起来,这样他们就无法与中产阶级及其他什么阶层扯上关系,”萨默尔说。