- 1. We sampled a selection of different bottled waters.
- 我们品尝了挑选出来的各种瓶装水。
- 2. Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken.
- 只喝瓶装水,并且要看封口开了没有。
- 3. The selection of bottled beverages is distinctly top-shelf.
- 可选的瓶装饮料的都是上等的。
- 4. My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water.
- 我的狗能分辨瓶装水和自来水。
- 5. Bottled water is often carried for long distances to reach people who buy it.
- 瓶装水经常被长途运送到购买它的人那里。
- 6. As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to sell bottled water.
- 因此,一些餐厅正加大出售瓶装水的力度。
- 7. A restaurants typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water its often 300 to 500 percent.
- 一家餐馆典型的葡萄酒加价是100%到150%,而瓶装水的加价通常是300%到500%。
- 8. Bottled-water giants such as Nestlé, the Coca-Cola Company, and Pepsi reckon that the market will continue to fizz.
- 像雀巢、可口可乐、百事可乐等瓶装水巨头公司认为这一市场将继续充满活力。
- 9. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland, where bottled water is consumed daily.
- 小时候,他曾在意大利、法国和瑞士的大城市生活过一段时间,那里的人每天都饮用瓶装水。
- 10. A restaurant's typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it's often 300 to 500 percent.
- 一家餐馆的葡萄酒加价一般是100%到150%,而瓶装水的加价通常是300%到500%。
- 11. At the age of seven, he started by pulling his red wagon around his neighborhood collecting bottled water and supplies.
- 在7岁的时候,他就开始在他家周围拉着他的红色的手推车,收集瓶装水和供给物。
- 12. PepsiCo of the US and Unilever of the UK have become the latest foreign entrants in China's competitive bottled tea market.
- 美国的百事可乐和英国的联合利华已成为进入中国竞争激烈的瓶装茶市场中最新的两家外国企业。
- 13. Would you still be drinking it if you knew that more than 90 percent of all bottled water sold around the world contains microplastics?
- 如果你知道世界上90%以上售卖的瓶装水都含有塑料微粒,你还会喝吗?
- 14. Beverage companies started bottling the production of far-off springs, and now office workers unthinkingly sip bottled water all day long.
- 饮料企业开始生产取自遥远山泉的瓶装水,现在人们在办公室整天都会不假思索地喝着这些瓶装水。
- 15. In order to save money, use fewer resources, and create less waste, they support using tap water and reusable bottles rather than bottled water.
- 为了节省资金、使用更少的资源并减少浪费,他们支持使用自来水和可重复使用的瓶子,而不是瓶装水。
- 16. Confronted with this evidence, several bottled-water manufacturers including Nestle and Coca-Cola undertook their own studies using the same methodology.
- 面对这些证据,包括雀巢和可口可乐在内的几家瓶装水生产商也用同样的方法进行了自己的研究。
- 17. In developed countries such as the United States and some countries in Europe, laws about safe water are often stricter for tap water than for bottled water.
- 在发达国家如美国和一些欧洲国家,关于安全用水的法律通常对自来水比对瓶装水更严格。
- 18. Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were 400 times more expensive.
- 同样,英国的一家杂志发现,泰晤士河的自来水味道比几家顶尖品牌的瓶装水好,而后者的价格却是前者的400倍。
- 19. Many winemakers use cork stoppers; but cork stoppers can leak, crumble, or become moldy, so that those winemakers must often discard a significant proportion of their inventory of bottled wine.
- 许多酿酒师使用软木塞;但软木塞可能会漏水、碎裂或发霉,因此这些酿酒师常常必须丢弃大量的库存瓶装葡萄酒。
- 20. The wines are bottled after three years.
- 那些酒是在三年之后装瓶的。
- 21. If you keep all of these emotions bottled up inside, it's going to explode sometime.
- 如果你一直让所有情绪积聚在你心里,那迟早它们会爆发的。
- 22. We have draft and bottled beer.
- 我们有生啤酒和瓶装啤酒。
- 23. The bottled water is on the house.
- 补充一句,这里提供免费瓶装水。
- 24. No bottled water will be provided.
- 宴会上也不提供瓶装水。
- 25. The cats only drink bottled water?
- 猫只喝罐装水?
- 26. "Where is the bottled water?" she asked.
- 瓶装水在哪儿?她问。
- 27. Is bottled water better for you than tap?
- 瓶装水比自来水更适合你?
- 28. Is bottled water better for you than tap?
- 瓶装水比自来水更适合你?