- 1. She found her job very boring.
- 她觉得自己的工作很无聊。
- 2. Exercising alone can be boring.
- 独自一个人锻炼可能会很无聊。
- 3. She finds it boring at home.
- 她觉得待在家里无聊。
- 4. The novel was unspeakably boring.
- 这部小说无聊得无法形容。
- 5. I felt she found me boring and dull.
- 我觉得她认为我令人厌烦而又乏味。
- 6. The town is boring and characterless.
- 这个镇乏味且毫无特色。
- 7. Many diets fail because they are boring.
- 许多规定饮食因单调乏味都不奏效。
- 8. A few jokes add leaven to a boring speech.
- 几句笑话可给枯燥无味的演讲增添活跃的气氛。
- 9. This kind of humour is infantile and boring.
- 这种幽默既幼稚又无聊。
- 10. She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs.
- 她不得不款待当地一些无聊的大人物。
- 11. As usual, I got landed with all the boring jobs.
- 所有枯燥乏味的工作都照例落在了我的头上。
- 12. Even the most boring meeting was enlivened by Dan's presence.
- 即使是最乏味的会议,也会因为丹在场而活跃起来。
- 13. Don't be faint-hearted when things seem a bit slow or boring.
- 当事情似乎有点乏味或无聊时,不要胆怯。
- 14. It was so boring—I mean, nothing happened for the first hour!
- 真是无聊—我是说,一个小时都过去了,什么事儿都没发生。
- 15. David left his boring job to go on a journey of self-discovery.
- 戴维辞掉了他那份无聊的工作,走上自我发现的道路。
- 16. She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.
- 尽管她认为物理枯燥无味,她却学得很好。
- 17. Obsessives, in any area, are invariably as boring as their hobbies.
- 任何领域的痴迷者们无一例外地和他们的癖好一样令人厌烦。
- 18. He was criticized for being boring, strait-laced and narrow-minded.
- 他被批评为乏味、古板守旧及心胸狭窄。
- 19. Future generations are going to think that we were a pretty boring lot.
- 后辈们会认为我们是一群无聊的人。
- 20. She might be a little common at times, but she was certainly not boring.
- 她也许有时会有点儿粗俗,但她绝不令人厌烦。
- 21. I spent the rest of their visit gleefully boring them with tedious details.
- 在他们造访之余,我讲些乏味琐事让他们厌烦不已,我则私下窃喜。
- 22. I realized that having a new baby lets you off going to boring dinner parties.
- 我意识到,生了个孩子你就可以不参加无聊的宴会了。
- 23. He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.
- 他会抱怨不得不花费时间跟这么一帮乏味的老家伙在一起。
- 24. He made a concerted effort to win me away from my steady, sweet but boring boyfriend.
- 他作了极大的努力把我从踏实、可爱但令人乏味的男友手中赢走。
- 25. We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives.
- 我们都需要偶尔地逃避生活中的无聊和平淡。
- 26. Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.
- 母亲们不仅得不到报酬,而且所干的乏味艰辛的活儿也很少被留意。
- 27. The sport is being written off as boring and predictable and the fans are deserting in droves.
- 这项运动因为枯燥且易于预测而不再吸引人,爱好者们正成批地退出。
- 28. Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work.
- 他们资历的缺乏迫使他们要一辈子做单调乏味且通常报酬很低的工作。
- 29. The former US ambassador to Ireland has behaved most undiplomatically by describing his two years in Dublin as "very, very boring."
- 前美国驻爱尔兰大使称他在都柏林度过的两年“非常非常无聊”,这是不符合外交习惯的。
- 30. Because it's quite boring.
- 因为它很无聊。