- 1. She did bloody well to win that race.
- 她非常出色地赢得了那场赛跑。
- 2. Forty-three demonstrators were killed in bloody clashes.
- 43名示威者在血腥冲突中丧命。
- 3. He was arrested last October still carrying a bloody knife.
- 他去年10月被捕时还拿着一把血迹斑斑的刀。
- 4. This age-old struggle for control had led to untold bloody wars.
- 这种由来已久的对控制权的争夺已经导致了无数的血腥战争。
- 5. The consequences of the counterrevolution have been extremely bloody.
- 该反革命的后果极其血腥。
- 6. You shall suffer for it—we will punish you by a bloody war.
- 你们会为此受到惩罚的——我们要给你们来一场血腥的战斗来惩罚你们。
- 7. Of course, they may often suffer serious knee and wrist injuries and bloody noses.
- 当然,他们可能经常遭受严重的膝盖和手腕受伤,和流鼻血。
- 8. I watch my little daughter's face as she absorbs the powerful onslaught of arousing visuals and bloody special effects in movies.
- 我看着小女儿的脸,她被电影中唤起视觉和血腥特效的强烈冲击所吸引。
- 9. Marissa Cooper suddenly pictured the shattered corpse of a rattlesnake lying bloody on a hot patch of yellowTexas sand so many years ago.
- 玛丽莎·库珀突然想起了数年前,一条响尾蛇的尸体被击得粉碎,血迹斑斑地躺在德克萨斯炽热黄沙上。
- 10. I hope I'm wrong and Clegg really will tame the Tories—but I'm braced for this movie turning into One Shotgun Wedding and A Bloody Long Funeral.
- 我希望我是错的,克莱格真的能驯服保守党——但我已经对这部电影会变成一场强制性的婚礼和一场血腥漫长的葬礼做好了准备。
- 11. Dr Neil Da Costa, who presented his research on the Bloody Mary at a meeting of the American Chemical Society yesterday, said, "It's a very complicated drink."
- 昨天,在美国化学协会的一个会议上,DrNeilDaCosta 发表了他关于血腥玛丽的研究,说:“这是一种很复杂的饮料。”
- 12. Russia's atrocities in Chechnya go back to the 19th century, when the diminutive but oil-rich region was annexed to the Czarist Empire after a bloody campaign of colonization.
- 俄罗斯在车臣的暴行可以追溯到19世纪,在一场血腥的殖民运动之后,这个面积小但石油丰富的地区被并入了沙皇帝国。
- 13. What bloody awful weather!
- 多么糟糕透顶的天气!
- 14. He doesn't bloody care about anybody else.
- 他根本不关心别人。
- 15. The losing team left the field bloody but unbowed.
- 那支队离开球场,虽尝败绩,却并未屈服。
- 16. You can bloody well keep your job—I don't want it !
- 你就留着你那份臭工作吧—我才不稀罕呢!
- 17. The terrorists have halted their bloody campaign of violence.
- 恐怖分子已经停止了他们凶残的暴力活动。
- 18. Indonesia has defended its bloody crackdown on protesters seeking higher compensation for land on Bintan Island, where Singaporeans hold the lion's share of investments, reports said yesterday.
- 昨天有报道称,印度尼西亚为其镇压抗议者的残暴行为进行辩护,这些抗议者要求提高宾坦岛的土地赔偿金额,而新加坡拥有此岛的最大投资份额。
- 19. Bloody Sunday - What Happened?
- 血腥星期日-发生何事?
- 20. But it may be a bloody transition.
- 但它可能会有一个残忍的过渡期。
- 21. Bloody Sunday - Reaction to events.
- 血腥星期日-事件反应(Museum of Free Derry)。
- 22. But Iraq is still bloody.
- 但伊拉克仍旧是一个血雨腥风之地。
- 23. It was a bloody smile.
- 那是一种血迹模糊的笑容。
- 24. Many had bloody diarrhea.
- 有许多人出现带血的腹泻。
- 25. Looking to make a bloody horror film?
- 想拍个血腥、恐怖点的电影?
- 26. APRIL was a cruel and bloody month in Chicago.
- 在芝加哥,四月是残酷血腥的一月。
- 27. APRIL was a cruel and bloody month in Chicago.
- 在芝加哥,四月是残酷血腥的一月。