- 1. This regional bloc has fallen apart.
- 这一地区性集团已土崩瓦解。
- 2. The two states will join the 25-nation bloc provided they carry out reforms.
- 这两个国家将加入25国集团,前提是他们要进行改革。
- 3. With the result that in another 10 years, you could see China, India, the Middle East, and the EU in this huge economic bloc.
- 结果,再过10年,您可以在这个庞大的经济集团中看到中国,印度,中东和欧盟。
- 4. The selectors should resign en bloc.
- 这些选择者应该集体辞职。
- 5. There are reports of teachers resigning en bloc.
- 有一些关于教师集体辞职的报道。
- 6. The politician tried to disaffect every major voting bloc.
- 该政客企图煽起每个主要的选举集团的不满。
- 7. One way was to group steel mills together as a negotiating bloc.
- 一个办法是把钢铁厂整合到一块作为一个谈判联盟。
- 8. However, the Eastern Bloc had its own line-up of riot police vehicles.
- 然而,东方阵营也有自己生产的警用防暴车辆。
- 9. The other great casualty of the Fed's blunder has been the global dollar bloc.
- 另一个美联储失策的大牺牲品是全球的美元集团。
- 10. The bloc has set a goal of establishing a European Union-type community by 2015.
- 东盟已经制定目标,在2015年前建立一个类似欧盟的共同体。 预计东盟领导人还会对缅甸11月7日举行的选举表达关注。
- 11. If the Southern textile bloc can sew up 34 Senate votes, it can defeat the treaty.
- 如果南部纺织集团能确保34个参议院票数,它可以否决这个条约。
- 12. On average only around 25% of Asean's exports and imports are within the bloc.
- 东盟的进出口平均只有大约25%是在联盟范围内进行。
- 13. Instead, the developed countries formed a bloc calling for Kyoto to be replaced.
- 相反,发达国家在会上联合要求《京都协议》应该被替代。
- 14. Aosis is a bloc of 42 island and coastal states mostly in the Pacific and Caribbean.
- 小岛屿国家联盟由42个主要位于太平洋与加勒比海的岛国和海岸国家组成。
- 15. How did a Wall Street buzzword coined by Goldman Sachs become a powerful new bloc in world affairs?
- 高盛公司杜撰出来的华尔街新词是怎样在国际事务上成为一个强大集团的呢?
- 16. The line is amazing, a steep line out the overhanging side of a massive bloc in a green valley.
- 路线开在一条葱翠的峡谷中一堆巨石的悬空面上,真是让人惊叹。
- 17. But data out the day before showed joblessness in the bloc had climbed to its highest in a decade.
- 但是前天另有数据显示,失业率已经上升到了10年来的最高点。
- 18. The 27-nation bloc wants a deal by 2015 for all nations that would be implemented by 2020 at the latest.
- 这个27国集团想要所有国家在2015年前达成一致并最迟到2020年实施。
- 19. This method allows policy across the bloc to be crafted where the EU does not have any formal powers.
- 这种方法允许欧盟在没有正式权力的领域,制定适用于所有成员国的政策。
- 20. In an entirely different strategic model, the Russian is concentrating his bet on a unique power bloc.
- 这个俄罗斯人则采用完全不同的战略模式,他把所有的鸡蛋都放在了一个篮子里。
- 21. As the largest former eastern bloc country, its clear view may also have an impact on others in the region.
- 作为前东欧集团最大的成员,该国的态度无疑会影响同一地区的其他国家。
- 22. Any change in these laws requires unanimous agreement among all countries and applies throughout the entire bloc.
- 这些法律的任何修改,都必须要获得所有成员国的一致同意,而且修改内容必须在整个集团内执行。
- 23. Actors constitute the largest voting bloc, numbering 1, 311 members (22 percent) of the Academy's composition.
- 演员在可投票的会员中的比例最大,共有1311名,占总数的22%。
- 24. The countries that were once in the Soviet bloc have also followed a more traditional route than those in Asia.
- 前苏联体系内的国家也都采取了不同于亚洲的传统路线。
- 25. China will never yield to the pressure of any major power, nor will it align itself with any power or bloc of powers.
- 中国决不屈从于任何大过的压力,也不与任何大国或国家集团结盟。
- 26. By 1936 even the gold-bloc countries had abandoned the link, but by then the damage to world trade had been done.
- 到1936年,连金本位国家集团成员也放弃了金本位政策,但那时国际贸易已经受到了重创。
- 27. By 1936 even the gold-bloc countries had abandoned the link, but by then the damage to world trade had been done.
- 到1936年,连金本位国家集团成员也放弃了金本位政策,但那时国际贸易已经受到了重创。