- 1. One billowy river appeared in front of the Cowhand.
- 一条惊涛骇浪的河在牧牛工前面出现。
- 2. We saw the billowy ocean when we traveled from England to America by ship.
- 当我们坐船从英国去美国时,我们看到了波涛汹涌的大海。
- 3. It was well he did, for the whole hill-back was one billowy, white ocean;
- 幸亏他陪我,因为整个山脊仿佛一片波涛滚滚的白色海洋。
- 4. Maritime accidents are not uncommon in this area due to billowy waves and overloading.
- 据悉,由于该地区风浪较大、超载现象多见,海上事故时有发生。
- 5. Like black hulks, the shadows of the great trees ride at anchor on the billowy sea of grass.
- 大树的阴影像黑色的大船停泊在波浪起伏的茫茫草海上。
- 6. You can wear a gold belt over a billowy monochrome dress to define your waist and update your look.
- 在黑白色的大摆裙上扎一条金色的腰带,可以使你腰部线条看起来更优美,整个人也跟着时尚了不少。
- 7. The radiant curiosity that finds adventure in simple things:the mystery of billowy clouds, the miracle of snowflakes, the magic of growing flowers.
- 你们强烈的好奇心能在小事中发现许多神秘:汹涌的云海神秘莫测;飘飞的雪花奇妙无比,含苞的花朵魅力穷。
- 8. Saint Antoine had been, that morning, a vast dusky mass of scarecrows heaving to and fro, with frequent gleams of light above the billowy heads, where steel blades and bayonets shone in the sun.
- 那天上午,圣安托万区有黑压压的一大片衣衫褴褛的人潮水一般涌来涌去。在攒动的人头上不时有光芒闪过,那是熠耀在阳光下的战刀和刺刀。
- 9. How could I tell Mom it was the most hideous dress I had ever seen? The too-intense colors, the gaudy rhinestone buttons, the shiny patent leather belt, the hopelessly out-of-style billowy skirt.
- 过分浓烈的颜色,华而不实的莱茵石纽扣,锃亮的漆皮皮带,还有早已过时的蓬起的裙摆,然而,我怎么能对妈妈说,那是我见过的最难看的裙子呢?
- 10. How could I tell Mom it was the most hideous dress I had ever seen? The too-intense colors, the gaudy rhinestone buttons, the shiny patent leather belt, the hopelessly out-of-style billowy skirt.
- 过分浓烈的颜色,华而不实的莱茵石纽扣,锃亮的漆皮皮带,还有早已过时的蓬起的裙摆,然而,我怎么能对妈妈说,那是我见过的最难看的裙子呢?