- 1. I use it now to besmear of body or scrape.
- 现在我还用它来涂身上的淤青和小擦伤。
- 2. Mood now like besmear in the hands of embellish hand cream.
- 现在的心情就像涂在手上的润手霜。
- 3. Dip in dry after water, besmear again burns cream, such as drugs.
- 蘸干水后,再涂上烫伤膏、红花油等药品。
- 4. Own plating production base, surface besmear has more than 20 varieties of plating.
- 拥有自己的电镀生产基地,表面涂镀品种有二十多种。
- 5. If indoor use phenolic paint besmear to brush, time should be extended appropriately.
- 如果室内使用酚醛油漆涂刷,时间应适当延长。
- 6. Besmear after coating moisture volatilizes then becomes rubber shape of elastomer waterproof layer.
- 涂刷后,涂膜水分挥发后即成为橡胶状弹性体的防水层。
- 7. Whosoever shall, when no conditions galvanized in after each use kerosene catharsis, in besmear on oil rust.
- 凡没有条件镀锌时,应在每次使用后用煤油洗涤,在涂上机油防锈。
- 8. In besmear brushs emulsion I paint room, with no smell, when completed stay dry on the surface can be checked in.
- 在涂刷乳胶漆的房间,由于没有气味,完工后待面层干透即可入住。
- 9. All distend cover of relevant parts surface before assembling must be washes clean, and ratherish besmear the oil.
- 胀套在装配之前所有相关零件表面必须清洗干净,并稍稍涂油。
- 10. When autumn comes, in order to change interior atmosphere, can besmear on water, such as an emotional appeal paint.
- 当秋天到来时,为了改变室内气氛,可以涂上水性油漆,这样也颇具情调。
- 11. If short-term inside don't drink, also can be in plug in besmear pewters flanges and then covered with tape sealing.
- 如果短期之内不饮用,也可在塞缘处涂上白蜡封口,再裹以胶布。
- 12. As a result, many Shi Nong artificial processing, drill hole, besmear to brush paint, to pretend to be, also is such.
- 因此,不少石农进行人为加工,钻洞、涂刷、上色来冒充的,也多是此类。
- 13. When the dust or dirt to go out with small brush besmear after deep mesh, and then go along with mesh, can successfully complete.
- 当灰尘或污垢去出之后,用小刷子涂网眼深处,然后沿着网眼涂,就可以顺利地完成。
- 14. Bleaching with sodium hydroxide solution, this liquid besmear in the wood surface, half an hour later, besmear again hydrogen peroxide.
- 用氢氧化钠溶液漂白时,将该液涂在木材表面,经半小时后,再涂上双氧水。
- 15. Some polyurethane resin coating contains more free TDI, brushed in besmear in the process of volatile, will lead to latex paint of yellow.
- 有的聚氨酯树脂涂料中含较多的游离tdi,在涂刷挥发过程中,将会导致乳胶涂料泛黄。
- 16. Will this product spray or besmear brushs in concrete or large block surface, can significantly improve the mortar of the base of rapping.
- 将该产品喷涂或涂刷在混凝土或大型砌块表面,可显著提高砂浆对基面的粘结力。
- 17. The replacement for brick and tile mould clean, besmear antirust oil, should be dry, level off place MATS flat, prevent the gravity deformation.
- 替换下来的彩砖彩瓦模具,清洗干净,涂油防锈,应置干燥、平整处支垫平放,防止重力变形。
- 18. Besmear with pen on paper everything eye can see is color, mountain, forest and sea all nature emerge color, color in expressions of people and animals.
- 用笔蘸着涂在图纸上眼睛看见的一切都是颜色,山上树林海里大自然出售颜色,颜色在人和动物的表情中。
- 19. Besmear with pen on paper everything eye can see is color, mountain, forest and sea all nature emerge color, color in expressions of people and animals.
- 用笔蘸着涂在图纸上眼睛看见的一切都是颜色,山上树林海里大自然出售颜色,颜色在人和动物的表情中。