- 1. Mr. Dinkins visited the bereaved family to offer comfort.
- 丁金斯先生拜访了丧失亲人的家庭,给予安慰。
- 2. The ceremony was an ordeal for those who had been recently bereaved.
- 这个仪式对于那些新近丧失亲友的人来说是一种折磨。
- 3. Therapists were brought in to counsel the bereaved.
- 请了治疗专家来劝慰死者的亲属。
- 4. The flags were lowered out of deference to the bereaved family.
- 降旗是出于对死者家属的尊重。
- 5. Journalists stayed away from the funeral out of consideration for the bereaved family.
- 出于对丧失亲人家属的考虑,新闻记者没有到葬礼现场。
- 6. It was all carried out without any consideration for the susceptibilities of the bereaved family.
- 这样做全然没有考虑到死者家人的感受。
- 7. But the bereaved British cannot be surprised.
- 但是失去我的英国人不会那么惊讶。
- 8. She expressed her sympathy to the bereaved family.
- 她对丧失亲人的家庭表示同情。
- 9. Bereaved women who exhibit their widowhood insincere ly.
- 对于守寡表现虚伪的丧偶妇女。
- 10. A local official says most poor bereaved families do the same.
- 当地官员称许多刚丧失亲人的贫困家庭都这样做。
- 11. The bereaved mother fell upon her knees and kissed the spot, lamenting.
- 丢了孩子的母亲双膝跪倒,吻著这块地面,失声痛哭。
- 12. We understand the sorrow of the ROK people, particularly the bereaved families.
- 我们理解韩国人民、尤其是遇难者家属的悲痛心情。
- 13. Together we stand, in honour of the victims, and in deepest sympathy for the bereaved.
- 我们共同缅怀受难者,向难属表示最深刻的同情。
- 14. Don \ \ \ 't let your own sense of helplessness keep you from reaching out to a bereaved child.
- 不要因为你自己感到无助,就防碍你帮助一个丧亲的孩子。
- 15. A: We are shocked at the incident and express condolences and solicitude to the bereaved family.
- 答:我们对这一事件感到震惊,对遇难者家属表示哀悼和慰问。
- 16. We express deep condolences to the victims and sympathies to the bereaved families and the injured.
- 我们对所有遇难者表示深切哀悼,向遇难者家属和受伤人员表示慰问。
- 17. Possible victims now include bereaved service families, the previous prime minister and the next king.
- 目前,可能的受害者包括阵亡士兵的家属、前首相和下一任国王。
- 18. China expresses condolences to the victims and solicitude to the ROK people and the bereaved families.
- 中方对遇难者表示哀悼,对韩国人民和遇难者家属表示慰问。
- 19. Of course all of us will feel a degree of sympathy, and it can actually be insensitive to the bereaved.
- 当然这样的言语让所有人都会产生一丝共鸣,而实际上,死者只会对此无动于衷。
- 20. Many also fail to investigate crashes thoroughly and provide fair settlements for the injured and bereaved.
- 还有许多国家既没有彻底调查事故原因,也没有为伤者和遗属提供公平补偿。
- 21. Now according to Kendler, this change will affect a small number of people - less than 30 percent of the bereaved.
- 据肯德勒推测,这一改变将会影响一小部分人群——不超过30%经历悲痛的人。
- 22. We condemn recent attacks in Pakistan and express condolence to the victims, the bereaved families and the injured.
- 我们谴责近日在巴基斯坦发生的袭击事件,对罹难者表示哀悼,对遇难者家属和受伤人员表示慰问。
- 23. In 1896, Dr. Samuel Johnson, a vet, offered his apple orchard to a bereaved friend as the burial place for his dog.
- 在1896年,塞缪尔·约翰逊兽医医生把它的苹果园给一位失去宠物的朋友作为埋葬他的小狗的墓地。
- 24. Officials from the Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro also visited and took care of the bereaved families who went there.
- 中国驻里约热内卢总领馆也派员专程去看望和照料前往里约的遇难者家属。
- 25. We shall also pray that those who have been bereaved will be given the strength and support they need to bear this tragic loss.
- 我们也会为那些丧失亲友的人们祈祷,给予他们勇气和支持去承受不幸。
- 26. We shall also pray that those who have been bereaved will be given the strength and support they need to bear this tragic loss.
- 我们也会为那些丧失亲友的人们祈祷,给予他们勇气和支持去承受不幸。