- 1. The rapid growth results from the fact that the majority of the people fall into the middle of a left-skewed bell-shaped curve.
- 之所以迅速增长,是因为大多数人都陷入了左弯的钟形曲线的中间。
- 2. But I want to emphasize that there are also other bell-shaped curves.
- 但我想强调的是,还存在别的钟形曲线。
- 3. The transition from one color to another is based on a bell-shaped curve.
- 从一种颜色向另一种颜色的转换基于一个钟形曲线。
- 4. Product Description: The Beurre Bosc pear is bell-shaped with a brownish skin.
- 中文描述:形状好看,果皮为褐色。
- 5. Questioner: How many years in the past did you use the bell-shaped craft to come to earth?
- 发问者:你们在多久以前曾使用钟型的载具来到地球?
- 6. The three top terraces contain about 400 statues of the Buddha beneath bell-shaped coverings.
- 三个最高的圆台容纳了约400个身披喇叭形斗篷的佛陀。
- 7. This is the most famous bell-shaped curve, but there are other ones with different mathematics.
- (正态分布)是最著名的钟形曲线,但在数学的其他分支中也有别的钟形曲线。
- 8. A woman walks among the bell-shaped spires of Indonesia's borobudur-the world's largest Buddhist temple.
- 一位妇女穿行在印度尼西亚婆罗浮屠——全世界最大的佛教寺庙的钟形尖塔中。
- 9. Heather honey is made from nectar collected from the tiny purple bell-shaped flower of the common heather plant.
- 石南蜂蜜是由常见的有着紫色钟状小花的石南植株花采集蜜制成。
- 10. It is crystal clear, bell-shaped if the ancient, is the world's largest stalactites, is China's rare treasures.
- 它晶莹剔透、形若古钟,是世界上最大的钟乳石,是我国的稀世瑰宝。
- 11. Heather honey is made from _nectar_ collected from the tiny purple bell-shaped flower of the common heather plant.
- 石南蜂蜜是由常见的有着紫色钟状小花的石南植株花采集花露制成。
- 12. The trap is commonly used for floats, thermal-power, free-float, double-metal-style, pulse, and so on-bell-shaped float.
- 常用的疏水阀有浮桶式、热动力式、自由浮球式、双金属片式、脉冲式、钟形浮子式等。
- 13. The bell-shaped amplitude equalizer is a conventional device commonly used for equalizing the channel amplitude distortion.
- 钟形幅度均衡器是均衡通路幅度畸变的常用器件。
- 14. 3 For many random variables, a good choice is the normal distribution, often represented as a bell-shaped curve, shown in Figure 1.
- 3对于许多随机变量来说,一个好的选择是正态分布,常常表现为一个钟型曲线,如图1所示。
- 15. Bell-shaped worms there is a unique long-handled-shaped organ attached to the fish through its body one end of the handle attached parasites.
- 钟形虫长有一独特的长柄状器官,通过它附着在鱼身上,柄的一端连着虫体。
- 16. Their concentration effect curves seem to be bell-shaped, suggesting that LNT have a dual immunomodulatory activity in a dose-dependent manner.
- 量效曲线呈钟罩形。提示有浓度依赖性的双向免疫调节作用。
- 17. So it seems there is a bell-shaped curve where small amounts are signaling and very beneficial, while large amounts are damaging and very hurtful.
- 因此,似乎存在一个钟形曲线,少量是发出信号和非常有益的,而大量是破坏性和非常有害的。
- 18. Any of various herbs of the genus Campanula, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and often having showy, bell-shaped, violet or blue flowers.
- 风铃草属植物:一种风铃草属草本植物,主要生长于北半球,通常开有艳丽的、紫罗兰色或蓝色钟状花。
- 19. Any of various herbs of the genus Campanula, native chiefly to the Northern Hemisphere and often having showy, bell-shaped, violet or blue flowers.
- 风铃草属植物一种风铃草属草本植物,主要生长于北半球,通常开有艳丽的、紫罗兰色或蓝色钟状花。
- 20. In the snowy wilderness are blood-red camellias, pale, white plum blossom tinged with green, and the golden, bell-shaped flowers of the winter plum;
- 雪野中有血红的宝珠山茶,白中隐青的单瓣梅花,深黄的磬口的蜡梅花;
- 21. Any of various perennial plants of the genus Uvularia in the lily family, native to eastern North America and having solitary, nodding, yellow bell-shaped flowers.
- 宝铎草,桔梗科植物一种多年生百合科颚花属植物,原产于北美洲东部,开有单生的、摆动的黄色钟状花。
- 22. Any of various ciliate protozoans of the genus Vorticella, having a bell-shaped body and living underwater on a slender stalk often attached to a plant or other object.
- 钟虫一种钟虫属有纤毛的原生动物,具有铃状的身体,常连在一个植物或其它物体的细茎上并居住于水下。
- 23. In the tomb, the bells is to follow this form (refer to Figure) sub-group of three 8 orderly arranged with the carpenter's square-shaped hanging a large bell-shaped rack.
- 在墓中,编钟就是按照这样形式(指图)分三层八组排列有序悬挂与曲尺形的大形钟架上。
- 24. The white bell-shaped flowers of the lily of the valley are well known, however, the plant occasionally bears orange-red, fleshy berries, which are lesser known to the general public.
- 铃兰的白色铃形花朵举世闻名,但是它有时也会结出橘红色肥硕果实,一般人不知道。
- 25. A species of alumroot (Heuchera sanguinea) native to the southwest United States and Mexico, widely cultivated in gardens for its clusters of small, bell-shaped, red to white flowers.
- 一种矾根属植物的(珊瑚钟矾根属) ,原产于美国西南部及墨西哥,因其开有红色至白色铃当状小花簇而广泛种植于花园中。
- 26. Possibly the oddest suggestion is that the universe is funnel-shaped, with one narrow end and one flared end like the bell of a trumpet.
- 或许有种最古怪的想法,那就是认为宇宙是漏斗状的,有着狭窄的一头和向外开展的一头,像是一个喇叭口。
- 27. They landed with their bell shaped scout craft, which type was sighted on a number of other occasions.
- 他们降落了钟形的小型侦查飞船,这种样式的飞船也在其他的场合被见证过。
- 28. A theory analysis is made for a phenomenon of "line group" which is bell shaped, and the spectrum interference between direct path sound and reflected sound is revealed.
- 从理论上分析了钟型的“线谱群”的产生原因,证明了此现象是反射声和直达声之间的谱干涉引起的。
- 29. A cathode ray tube is shaped like a large bell.
- 阴极射线管的形状象个大铃铛。
- 30. A cathode ray tube is shaped like a large bell.
- 阴极射线管的形状象个大铃铛。