- 1. Civilian trap in the beleaguer city has been airlifted to safety.
- 被围困在城里的老百姓已空运到安全地区。
- 2. Even today, in some parts of China, it is common practice for a man to seek justice by summoning his family and their Allies to beleaguer the home of the person who wronged him.
- 人们受了欺负,便召来家里人和亲戚围攻仇家,这在今天中国的一些地方还是司空见惯的。
- 3. Even today, in some parts of China, it is common practice for a man to seek justice by summoning his family and their Allies to beleaguer the home of the person who wronged him.
- 人们受了欺负,便召来家里人和亲戚围攻仇家,这在今天中国的一些地方还是司空见惯的。