- 1. By the end of the study, synthesis of new muscle in the total bed-rest group had dropped by almost 50 percent, while the centrifuge group kept making muscle at a normal rate.
- 实验结束时,完全躺在床上的小组的新合成肌肉减少近50%,而离心组始终以正常速度合成着肌肉。
- 2. She did need a rest in bed.
- 她确实需要卧床休息。
- 3. The bed was curtained off from the rest of the room.
- 这张床和房间的其余部分用幕帘隔开了。
- 4. The rest came running to him, and everyone cried out that somebody had been upon his bed.
- 其余的都跑到他那里,大家都喊叫说,有人在他的床上躺过。
- 5. He says the week of bed rest following the operation was some of the best sleep he's ever had.
- 詹姆斯说:“手术后的一周每秒的卧床休息是他有史以来睡得最好的时候。
- 6. At that time, the recommended treatment for women was bed rest; men were advised to head to the Wild West.
- 当时,给女性推荐的治疗是卧床休息,而男性则建议去西部荒原。
- 7. After eight weeks of travelling we all just want a clean bed and some rest. It has been exhausting.
- 在外面旅行八个星期了,我们想要的只是一张干净的床和休息,都累坏了。
- 8. When playing with their doll-sticks, the young females would cuddle with them, put them to bed and rest with them in their nests like a little girl sleeping with her plush toy for security.
- 与她们的树枝娃娃玩耍的时候,小雌猩猩们会抱着它们,把它们放到窝中与自己一同在床上休息,就像小女孩出于安全起见与自己的玩具睡在一起一样。
- 9. At twenty-five weeks he issued a stark prescription: bed rest.
- 在二十五周时,他开出了严格的处方:卧床休息。
- 10. Studies have shown that even young people's muscle mass and strength quickly deteriorate when they're confined to bed rest.
- 研究工作己经表明,青年人长期卧床休息后,其肌肉量迅速减少,肌力水平急速下降。
- 11. Mary: Yeah, I guess I should lie down on the bed and get some rest.
- 玛丽:没错,我想我应该躺下来休息一会儿。
- 12. Though it is not very serious, you should rest in bed as much as possible.
- 虽然不太严重,但你还是要尽量多卧床休息。
- 13. Let's put the shlock romantic comedies to bed for the rest of the year, or at least the remainder of the summer.
- 让我们把差劲的浪漫喜剧片压到年底再看,或者至少暑假快完了的时候再看。
- 14. At twenty-five weeks he issued a stark prescription: bed rest.
- 25周,他开出了一个要求苛刻的药方:卧床休息。
- 15. It usually occurs in surface veins in the lower leg and can be treated with pain relievers and bed rest, with mild exercise after inflammation subsides.
- 它通常出现于小腿的表皮静脉,可以借着止痛药和卧床休息来治疗,炎症消退后则进行温和的运动。
- 16. After two weeks, 70 percent in the bed rest group felt better, compared to 65 percent who were not confined to bed.
- 两周后,70%的卧床休息病人感觉好转,没有卧床休息的病人中只有65 %的病情有所改善。
- 17. The British study randomly assigned 107 patients either to a control group that received only bed rest or to a treatment group that received daily injections of streptomycin in addition to bed rest.
- 这项英国研究把107位病人随机选择分组,对照组的治疗只有卧床休息,治疗组在卧床休息之外还每天注射链霉素。
- 18. My doctor advised complete bed rest for six weeks and as a result, I will be unable to attend your birthday party.
- 我的医生建议我全面卧床休息六周。因此,我无法去参加你的生日聚会了。--回复之道歉。
- 19. Sorry to inform you I have caught the nasty Flu. I wish to remain on bed rest. It would not be professional to pass it on.
- 很不幸的通知您,我得了很严重的流感。我希望能够卧床休息,这样它就不会传染了。
- 20. I think bed rest is the best medicine for a cold and hope that you will recover in no time at all.
- 我想卧床休息是治疗感冒的良药吧,希望你能尽快康复。
- 21. Conseratie treatment of a PDPH in the ambulatory patient includes traditional analgesics, fluids, and bed rest.
- 门诊手术病人PD PH的保守治疗包括传统的镇痛、补液和卧床休息。
- 22. This is great news, of course, but the problem is, my first pregnancy was very complicated, requiring several weeks of bed rest i. e.
- 这当然是喜事,但问题在于,我的第一次怀孕状况百出,要卧床休息多周(无法去办公室上班)。
- 23. Now the two older children were very sick with the flu, and the eldest had just been prescribed bed rest for a week.
- 几个月前他离弃了我们。现在,两个大孩子患了流感,病得很厉害。医生刚刚给老大开了处方让卧床休息。
- 24. If needed I use an appropriate homeopathic remedy for a fever if it gets very high. Otherwise, we stay in bed, rest, drink fluids and sweat it out.
- 如果温度很高,按需要我们会服用一些顺势的药物,除此之外,躺在床上休息,坚持多喝水。
- 25. Bed rest can delay you getting treatment, reduce mobility and prolong recovery time, say experts.
- 专家称卧床休息可能导致治疗延误、活动能力下降以及康复缓慢。
- 26. The tribe's shaman prescribes three days of bed rest, and our yellow powder waits patiently.
- 部落的萨满指示他们卧床休息三天,这样那些黄色粉末就只能静静地呆在那里了。
- 27. The tribe's shaman prescribes three days of bed rest, and our yellow powder waits patiently.
- 部落的萨满指示他们卧床休息三天,这样那些黄色粉末就只能静静地呆在那里了。