- 1. Drums are basic to African music.
- 鼓是非洲音乐的基本乐器。
- 2. Water is a basic necessity of life.
- 水是一种基本生活必需品。
- 3. Access to justice is a basic right.
- 享有公正是一种基本权利。
- 4. Basic foodstuffs were in short supply.
- 基本食物紧缺。
- 5. He gets a basic salary plus commission.
- 他领取基本薪金,外加佣金。
- 6. The basic unit of society is the family.
- 社会的基本单位是家庭。
- 7. Her novels always have the same basic story.
- 她的小说基本情节都一样。
- 8. The campsite provided only basic facilities.
- 野营地只提供最基本的设施。
- 9. Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries.
- 椰子是多种咖喱菜的基本成分。
- 10. Contact with other people is a basic human need.
- 和他人接触是人的基本需要。
- 11. He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.
- 他无法掌握数学的基本概念。
- 12. The peace talks foundered on a basic lack of trust.
- 由于缺乏基本信任,和平谈判搁浅。
- 13. He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.
- 他没有掌握基本的语法规则。
- 14. Basic flight instrumentation was similar on both planes.
- 两架飞机的基本飞行仪表是相似的。
- 15. Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations.
- 医院甚至缺乏外科手术的基本必需的药品。
- 16. They were imprisoned and deprived of their basic rights.
- 他们遭到监禁并被剥夺了基本权利。
- 17. Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms.
- 有些住宅仍没有像卫生间这样的基本设施。
- 18. The basic needs of life are available with minimum effort.
- 生活的基本需求花很小的力气就能得到。
- 19. People need basic education if they are to become employable.
- 若想要受雇,人们需要基础教育。
- 20. Granted, he is a beginner, but he should know the basic rules.
- 的确,他是个初学者,但基本规则他应该懂啊。
- 21. The apartment contained the basic essentials for bachelor life.
- 这套公寓配有单身生活的基本必需品。
- 22. The basic model is priced well within the reach of most people.
- 基本款式的定价大多数人都完全负担得起。
- 23. Prices went up on several basic commodities like bread and meat.
- 面包、肉等几种基本商品的价格上涨了。
- 24. The basic course does not qualify you to practise as a therapist.
- 这门基础课程并不能使你有资格当一名治疗师。
- 25. Consumers are charged a monthly fee above their basic cable costs.
- 消费者每月被收取高于基本有线费的一笔费用。
- 26. The promise of some basic working rights draws murmurs of approval.
- 对一些基本工作权利的承诺得到默认。
- 27. The basic ingredients are limestone and clay in the proportion 2:1.
- 基本成分是石灰石和黏土,比例为2:1。
- 28. Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.
- 现在,包括言论自由在内的基本人权已有了保障。
- 29. There are four basic alternatives; they are described briefly below.
- 有4种基本选择,简略描述如下。
- 30. The change did not portend a basic improvement in social conditions.
- 该变化没有预示社会状况的基本改观。