- 1. He enjoyed exchanging banter with the customers.
- 他喜欢和顾客开玩笑。
- 2. As she closed the door, she heard Tom exchanging good-natured banter with Jane.
- 她关门时听见汤姆与简在开着善意的玩笑。
- 3. His teammates opened hotel windows, shouting "Jump!" and somewhat less printable banter.
- 他的队友打开了酒店的窗户,嚷嚷着“跳下去!”还有其它上不了台面的玩笑。
- 4. This episode might make for jolly cocktail-party banter next time he is in Beijing.
- 这段插曲可能会成为他下次来北京时鸡尾酒会上的笑料。
- 5. This was more than bathroom banter.
- 这可不仅仅是浴室中开玩笑的话而已。
- 6. I do not banter you, I am in earnest.
- 我没有同你开玩笑,我是认真的。
- 7. There's no banter and it's hard to stay motivated.
- 没有玩笑,而且很难保持积极的心态。
- 8. Today the ladies' banter is darkened by speculation.
- 今天,一个传言为女人们的说笑蒙上了阴影。
- 9. The following is an example of banter for those reading this essay.
- 以下我们将为阅读这篇文章的提升者提供一份欢唱的例子。
- 10. They are immersed not in knowledge but in “gossip and social banter”.
- 他们迷恋的不是知识,而是“闲聊和社会趣闻”。
- 11. Those expecting Clooney's usual witty banter and megawatt smile will be disappointed.
- 那些希望看到克鲁尼诙谐戏谑和招牌的电力十足微笑的观众们要失望了。
- 12. Better to see this exchange of witty banter for what it is: Good 'ole, harmless fun.
- 最好看清这些相互诙谐打趣背后的本质:随性的人,无害的玩笑。
- 13. From Joburg slang to Cape Town banter, this dynamic language's words are everywhere.
- 从裘堡的俚语到开开普敦的谑言,这种动态语言的词汇随处可见。
- 14. They say amusing things, tell jokes, engage in witty banter and generally lighten the mood.
- 他们讲笑话,说好玩的事情,并且能够机智的使气氛变得轻松起来。
- 15. He's still learning English but he's full part of the banter and everyone loves him in the changing room.
- 他还在学习英语,但是他是每个人喜欢开玩笑的对象,更衣室里人人都爱他。
- 16. A conversation about the weather isn't idle banter; it's the rapid-fire exchange of the human protocol.
- 有关天气的谈话也并非无聊的玩笑话,而是人们快速交换人类规程的方式。
- 17. Over drinks, though, years of easy online banter and Bull Durham in-jokes are replaced by awkward silences.
- 而当几杯酒下肚之后,多年来在网上肆无忌惮的嬉笑怒骂以及《百万金臂》中的笑话换来的却是尴尬的沉默。
- 18. After attending a wonderful banquet, I found myself sitting at a bar, listening to the banter about the election.
- 参加完一个丰盛的晚宴后,我在一家酒吧坐了下来,听人们戏说今天的选举。
- 19. He said he left it out on purpose because it wasn't in the original set, and there was lots of banter back and forth.
- 他说,他偏离了他原来的目的,因为它没有在原来的设置,这整个过程有很多是个玩笑。
- 20. Our conversation started out with some banter about the rivalry between bankers and traders at many Wall Street firms.
- 我们的谈话从玩笑开始,这些玩笑发生在互相竞争的华尔街公司的银行家和交易员之间。
- 21. He sat down and exchanged witty banter with an executive I did not know that made no sense to me. A few people laughed.
- 他坐下来和旁边的人开了个对我而言毫无意义的玩笑,有几个人在窃笑。
- 22. Darwin was a "gentleman dining companion" whose official responsibility was to provide civilized banter with the captain.
- 达尔文在船上与人就餐时彬彬有礼,不过他的正式职责就是与船长谈些无伤风雅的玩笑。
- 23. They're also kind of catchy, especially the amusing banter between said Gecko, his "CEO, " and other characters ("Toledo!
- 这些广告朗朗上口,尤其搞笑的是它对吉祥物Gecko、该公司“首席执行官”以及其他角色所进行的调侃。
- 24. That kind of banter was one thing I had always missed out on in my work life, because I had never Shared an office or workspace.
- 这种戏谑是我在工作中总是错过的一件事,因为我从未与大家共用一个办公室或工作间。
- 25. Banter is a poetry form of mirth to make light of the happenstance of the day. Banter is associated with dragon lore dreamtime.
- 欢唱是一种欢乐的诗歌形式,用以创造一天的光之偶发事件,欢唱是在龙之奥义的梦想时间发生的。
- 26. It is true that we can be very literal, so we often miss the humor in everyday banter, but we can and do enjoy even subtle humor.
- 是,没错,因为我们非常喜欢挑字眼,所以我们经常错过笑话中可笑的部分,但是我们能够也很欣赏一些含义更深的幽默。
- 27. After taking a trip "Back to the Future," the couple ended up onstage for banter with each other — and their mother and grandmother.
- 在一段“回到未来”的旅程后,两人登台,互开玩笑,还调侃起他们的母亲和祖母。
- 28. After taking a trip "Back to the Future," the couple ended up onstage for banter with each other — and their mother and grandmother.
- 在一段“回到未来”的旅程后,两人登台,互开玩笑,还调侃起他们的母亲和祖母。